We have been broken up for almost three weeks now and each weekend she keeps asking to hangout. I see her more then when we were together now. We spend all weekend together and its leading to some really great sex. If anything things feel better then before.

We were together for a year and a half and long distance for the last 4 months. We have been friends for over 5 years now and I hate to say it but I think she is my best friend. The long distance is really hard and after talking about it time and time again she told me she just couldn’t do the distance anymore. The plan was that she would finish her Masters next May then move in with me in my state. But she ended up having to withdraw from one of her classes for mental health reasons so it would be another six months before she could graduate.
She told me she still had feelings for me and hoped we can still be friends. She phrase it as “a break to see where things could go” and that she wanted me to “wait for her”.

I am obviously heartbroken by this and I feel sorry I couldn’t be there for her but it feels a little like she is using me at this point. Its making it super difficult to move on especially after talking to her almost daily for the past year.

I am so lonely, I have no friends or family here. I hate my job and honest to god thinking about breaking the contract and moving back if it will make things better again.

  1. Of course she’s using you, and clearly taking advantage of the fact that you still have strong feelings for her. If you’re ok with being around her and having sex, knowing that you’re not going to be in a romantic relationship with her anymore, then keep doing it. If you find it to be too much heartbreak and pain, then end this and go No Contact for at least a few months until you can start to heal. Staying around her is preventing you from doing the healing and moving on that you need to do.

  2. She wanna still be friends, which makes sense since you mentioned you both were only friends at the beginning.

    If you cannot do it, tell her.

    Making new friends and hypothetically finding a new job will help you to focus in this less.

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