I don’t own a pair of Crocs and never will.

  1. They’re soooo comfortable and I wear them at home instead of slippers, too embarrassed to wear them in public though 😂

  2. So, for years I’ve mocked my dad.
    Loves a pair of crocs that man.
    Recent visit to Canada, they now do lined crocs.
    I’m now rocking a pair of tie dye rainbow lined crocs.

  3. Disliking crocs, like disliking the word moist, becomes an entire personality for some people. Sure they’re ugly, but they are also immensely practical and comfy for many professions and hobbies that involve a lot of indoor time on your feet. Get them if you want them, and just judge those who judge you for not having anything more important to form an opinion on

  4. They look awful, but people always go on about how comfortable they are. Cant believe that.

    But am tempted from time to time to find out.

  5. I wear crocs in my back garden cus they are easy to stick on, especially if I’m wearing socks

  6. Ive struggled with a re occuring condition called plantar fasciitis for years that makes it feel like im walking on hot broken glass i started wearing crocs around the house last year on the recomendation of a doctor and ( touch wood ) not a bother since so i fucking love my crocs .

    Ugly ,slippy on wetfloors and absolutely the singularly most comfortable relief giving things ive ever put on my feet .

  7. I wore Crocs. They are soo comfy easy to put on and take off. Had them for around the house. That very quickly turned into wearing them everywhere. I backed out of it and bought some Greggs Slidders. And I think they have far more sex appeal x

  8. I love mine I wear them all the time, so comfy. I don’t care what others think, comfort is more important than anything.

  9. Great for slipping on to take rubbish out or potter around the garden. Also amazing for camping.

    Personally I could not give a shit when or if other people where them – the same attitude I have towards all clothing other people wear.

  10. Nasty snappy creatures! Take yer leg off with a single bite! I’ve never liked them, not even as shoes or handbags!

  11. I bought my wife a fancy pair from the Croc website in April , as an extra birthday prezzie. 32 quid they cost me. She tried them on the day, under extreme duress, and they’ve never been on her feet since.

  12. They seem very popular with teenage boys at the moment where I am. They’re even wearing them in the cold and rain which seems mad but go for it I suppose

  13. They look hideous but are the most comfortable practical thing I own and wouldn’t trade them for anything.

  14. It is what it is. I’ll wear them if need be. I’ll go to Asda in them, during summer. Idgaf, and I am shameless. Not in an indecent way though.

  15. Have a pair thats 18 years old. Been in countless rivers, lakes, 2 oceans, and tons of muck. 17 years ago i cut large holes in it with a kitchen knife so they could breathe and drain. (Early ones didn’t have holes) they are even uglier now than before i “fixed “ them.
    Ugly but useful. Will i buy another pair? If these ever die i will.

    Long live the croc!

  16. I really don’t vibe with that style of dressing personally (I don’t even wear trainers unless I’m going for a run/to exercise as I feel hideously underdressed in them). However I have tons of admiration and a pinch of jealous for people who put their comfort first.

  17. I have 4 pairs ranging from very thin summer ones through to fur lined ones for the winter. I have 3 pairs for the house and one pair that I’ll knock about in outside in public when I don’t mind looking like a cunt.

  18. True story: a guy I work with and his wife went dogging for the first time. He refused to get out of the car to join in as he was too afraid someone would ejaculate through the holes in his crocs.

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