Mothers which have mental health issues, insomnia or pain. How do you cope?

  1. I have all of the above and would say I don’t cope well. I need a lot of support and my kids sometimes don’t get the attention they need.

    At the same time, I’m honest with my kids about my shortcomings. I apologize when I make mistakes. I also accept their mistakes. I hope I’m building an existence for them where they understand that the world isn’t perfect and success means working through human problems. While it’s not ideal, is what I wish I had been taught.

  2. Walks, talking to anyone who is willing to listen, working, doing anything creative , and always letting go of whatever is bothering me. I have come a long way , 5 years ago I didn’t think I would survive but I’m here and I’m happy. You will get there I promise just needs to find that thing that helps you cope , relax , and be happy.

  3. Right now, alcohol lol. I have severe chronic tooth pain currently. And a toddler that can’t sleep through the night, and also wakes up screaming whenever a train goes by (almost every single night, sometimes twice a night) Fun stuff

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