Last night I lost my dog and posted about it on my local Facebook group. I included my phone number. Fortunately my dog came back a couple hours later, and then I got a phone call from a very aggressive man asking for £1000 to return my dog. I said she’d been found and he hung up. Googled the number and evidently he does this a lot. I reported the incident to the police but what else can I do with his phone number to annoy him?

  1. Don’t do anything, leave it to the Police You could be putting yourself in danger.

  2. Way too easy to change phone numbers these days. I do mine every year – but I’m also a bit of an arsehole with a “difficult” family.

    You want a residential address and/or work if you’re going to “go for it”.

  3. Would be a shame for his number to appear on a free ads site for an under-priced, desirable product.

  4. I wouldn’t sign the number up for a load of scammy mailing lists and dodgy-looking websites under an assumed name. Definitely wouldn’t sign up for a load of ‘call me backs’ with insurance and sales companies

  5. He knows your phone number, roughly where you live and what sort of dog you have. Personally I wouldn’t engage with him at all.

  6. Go old school.
    Find a bench, public toilet or whatever and go with the good old ‘call for a good time’

  7. 141 then his number and then call him, say nothing when he answers, wait until he hangs up.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Did this to a scammer who was trying to blackmail me. Hounded him for over a week.

    Trust me, they crack and start screaming down the phone.

  8. An electrician I know got stiffed on an invoice so he bought a cheap pay as you go mobile phone and plugged it into a hidden socket behind some fitted wardrobes in the guys house.

    Used to to ring it at all hours… Great revenge! 🤣

  9. I’d bait the fucker to a place of my choice. What happens next is a lesson he needs to progress positively in his life…

  10. Give it a while and then stick it up on a particularly filthy escort listing – “Special xmas day offer!” would work particularly well

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