So it’s been about 3 months now that me and her have been friends. We both established we don’t want anything but a friendship. She’s been extremely depressed in the beginning and now she’s been happier but she says I’m the reason she’s happy. She’s becoming extremely clingy and jealous to the point that i feel like I can’t breathe. I’ve slowly tried creating distance but she turns it into an argument. She basically argues with me over everything and I don’t like arguing especially being that we both established that we were just friends. My last ex was similar to wear if i don’t answer her calls on the first ring it’s a major issue.

My question is how do I get myself out of it because i don’t want to deal with another toxic relationship

  1. She’s being unreasonable, so you’re not going to be able to reason with her to get her to stop. You’re not a bad guy for deciding the friendship isn’t for you. She’ll be upset about it, but that’s okay.

    If she starts arguing with you, end the conversation. If she continues to blow up your phone, ignore her. Do this until either she stops or you no longer speak.

  2. You aren’t in a relationship or a friendship, this is emotional blackmail, that relies on your good mature to keep you trapped.

    In life you should always look out for your own wellbeing before supporting another.

    So what if you look like the asshole, she’ll think your the asshole no matter how delicately you put her down.

    You’re a good person, so if you need to ease your own conscience by getting her into therapy, or something, fine do that.

  3. You’re not her boyfriend and she’s not your girlfriend. You’re not obligated to stick around . Tell her she’s being obsessive, if she doesn’t take it well then cut her off. Gotta look out for yourself first

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