We have kids (5 and 7), and my husband feels like all he does is work and come home.

I am with our kids all day, work at their school, take them home from school, stay with them until evening and then put them to bed. On the weekends I take them somewhere to have fun at least once while he stays home.

He also, just in the last month, has gone to dinner w a friend (he was gone for 5 ish hours), flew out of state w friends to go to a football game, watches every single football game that his team plays, had a friend over here for dinner etc…

He also travels for work and has been gone an entire week at a time as well as was sick, too sick to care for kids, for 4 days. That all occurred in the last 30 days.

Am I missing something? I understand that work and illness shouldn’t be considered alone time, but jeeze. I also don’t typically have everything he does written out in a list like it is up above, but when he made this statement I really had to sit down and think about this because I truly don’t understand where he’s coming from. I think he’s mad that I went to lunch and to get my nails done yesterday. I don’t know.

The reason we got into an argument is because his family invited him over to hang out and he went. My feelings were hurt that they only invited him.

  1. Sounds like you are both burned out. Traveling for work isn’t fun and can wear you out. As I’m sure you are worn out from a full time job and kid care after-school. If you are both working, find a budget for a babysitter and take some time together!

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