What makes a man hungry?

  1. When your stomach is empty you get hungry (usually).

    When you smell something good, often times that also make you hungry. But specifically hungry for that. Children are really good at this saying they are only hungry for desert, but in general I can be hungry quicker than usual if there is good food around or after watching appealing commercials with mouth watering food. (The TV industry knows how to do their stuff)

    Biologically there are triggers in your body to make you hungrier, and triggers to stop being hungry. One trigger that I’m aware of is a hormone released when your stomach is attracted enough and full. It sends a signal to us to stop eating, we aren’t hungry any more. With that in mind maybe the issue isn’t what causes hunger, but that we are always hungry unless we get the signal that stops hunger.

    Speaking less about food and more about ambition, or motivations, or even lusts. What makes a man hungry to succeed, hungry for justice, or hungry for anything else not related to food, there are too many things to point to to say why. Some of them are our values, some are our habits (like eating habits centered around eating at certain times, other habits can be there to try and do something after a while), done of them are lessons from experience. That might either make us more driven or much less driven.

    All answers really come down to “what are you hungry for?”. And why you are hungry for that will be different.

  2. I mean i’m trans so what makes me hungry are my T shots. I swear I turn into a werewolf on tuesdays, the appetite is unreal

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