I don’t know what to think about guys. I am talking to a few guys here some for casual and some for relationships. I really struggle with being too forward on things.

Do guys like if a girl is forward with what she’s wanting or interested in?

  1. Absolutelyy, depends on the guy but if you want a good relationship/fwb communication is key so you shouldnt play games at all. Personally when the girl is forward its always a good experience, no time wasted and makes me wanna reciprocate and be forward myself

  2. For me this is tough to answer because it’s a question of degrees of forwardness rather than stating your intentions. I’m sure you’ve had a guy move so fast that you’re like “okay what are you hiding, why are you in such a rush?” Truthfully, as guys, we can feel that too. If you’re calling 3, 4, 5 times a day and we’ve known each other for a week, to me, that’s just too interested to not be hiding something. Conversely, if you just plainly state things like “I want 2 children, I want a nice house, I don’t want to work significant hours after I give birth to our first child, etc” then a guy can take that in stride. Every person is looking at it through successful interactions which build trust. That simply takes time.

  3. No not at all. I love it when a woman is forward with what she wants. The self confidence to be able to come out and say that is a huge turn on.

  4. The answer is the same regardless of who is hypothetically being forward – it is a turn off if I’m not into them (or would not be), but a turn on if I am (or would be). Not a very useful answer, but it is the truth.

  5. It all boils down to how she expresses it. As long as she isn’t too aggressive with it. It’s a definite turn on.

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