What are your priorities for life partner?

  1. She should be loyal, has a decent looking body (not to thin and not to big), she doesn’t have a attitude problem, she does work on the relationship to improve it, she doesn’t smoke or use drugs, she doesn’t go off to party and she shows respect towards other people.

  2. Attractive, good personality, cooking, cleaning, mother to my kids, home maker, hard worker, dependable, and respectful. I don’t care about how much money she makes. Pretty much looking for a “support”. I’ll play adc/dps.

  3. Loyalty. Home maker. Enjoys mother/wife role. Cooking and cleaning (though I’m not that fussed about cleanliness). Fuckable (sounds crude but over time you gotta expect her looks to fade somewhat, but if a chicks fuckable at 25 then unless they gain like 100 pounds they usually are at 50). Doesn’t mind dark/sarcastic humour and can engage with it. Likes watching mysteries and thrillers.

    My partner has all these qualities (have a kid with her and having more) and hopefully we’ll stay together and she doesn’t change too much.

  4. someone that truly cares on improving together and putting consistent effort in the relationship.
    From my perspective, occasionally going partying is fine (but on the intention of having fun rather than finding opposite).

  5. Compatibility – sexual, intellectual, mental, emotional, etc, is obviously first.

    Then, personality traits I look for in my ‘ideal’ woman: honesty, loyalty, femininity, and empathy.

  6. Someone easy going, kind and optimistic. Y’know, just a generally pleasant person to be around. Shared interests are of course very important. Sexually adventurous with a good libido. Domesticated, good cook and a clean and tidy disposition.

  7. Attractive to me, loyal, respectful, and can cook. Everything else is optional. But if she has those main ones, I can work with pretty much everything else.

  8. someone who is nice to me and we both understand each other on an emotional level. someone i am friends with, and who id still want to be friends with even if we werent together. also someone who i share interests and hobbies with would be nice. i like a relationship where we can hang out and even if we arent doing anything we still have fun just cause we are together.

  9. Beautiful — not necessarily corresponding to conventional standards but she’s gotta be easy on the eyes. (There are countless ways in which a woman can be beautiful and not all of them go through measurements. Attitude goes a long way.)

    Smart enough to inspire admiration and carry an intriguing conversation.

    Honest with herself and with others. Not afraid of difficult conversations.

    Enjoys and practices sex regularly without hangups.

    Emotionally available. Cares about my feelings and reciprocates them.

    Similar enough values and tastes to make the partnership viable; and just different enough to make it interesting and educational.

    Has a career of her own, supports herself, and interests and friends of her own.

    Last but certainly not least: gotta be cool with my kid. Where there’s no place for my kid, there’s no place for me.

  10. That we‘re emotionally connected, truly committed, loyal, faithful, honest, communicative, caring and share the same core values/goals/priorities.

  11. * Keep working on my career and move up the ladder. Get the title and the financial rewards.
    * Get fitter and lower my body fat.
    * Find a few hobbies I enjoy. A few for social, a few for rainy days.
    * Keep doing my thing until I look top-10% compared to whatever’s left in the pool.
    * Wait for a woman to settle for me.

  12. Loyal, fierce, horny, skinny and at least half as far removed from normal people’s priorities as I am.

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