I(24f) had a long situation for a guy(21m) for about a year. We had sex all year around and I never had any issues with my body. Towards the end of the year, he got a car and everything became different. He showed me his car but would only want me to look at the exterior never let me sit or look inside.

I didn’t think about anything until one day my body felt different and I thought I had a uti. When I told him my symptoms, he was for sure thought had a uti. A week had past and symptoms got worse so I had to go to the doctor. Turns out it was gonorrhea. When I confronted him he wasnt responding and told me at the last minute he would go get tested. I was confused because he told me he wasn’t sleeping with anyone else so I got angry at him. He denied sleeping with anyone and tells me I’m the one that was with it. We go no contact. He got tested four days later and apologized. He admitted to sleeping with a girl but his story would change several times about which girl and how he got it. He apologized several times and said it’s his biggest regret.

So now months later after no contact, after the sti incident he contacted me and wants us to make up. He tells me that we weren’t really exclusive at the time so I can’t be mad at him and that he’s not a cheater. (Several times I told him I wasn’t into the hookup culture stuff no friends with benefits , fuck buddies stuff and if that’s what he wanted then leave me alone. He would always tell me that since we had sex so many times we are more than that and he doesn’t see me in that way. ) He most likely wants to have sex again and I can tell he’s still sleeping around because now he uses condoms and has a bunch of them in his car(showed me a pic). He even had them before he gave me a sti but decided not to use them with me. I really really really miss him and the sex. I doubt I’ll ever get a guy to sleep with me and if I do he won’t be as good as him. Advice.

  1. It’s totally up to you, however he cheated on you, gave you an STI then has the balls to (even lightly) pressure you to start sleeping with him again.

    You deserve so much better than that and he needs to show a bit of respect. Whatever you decide, be safe.

  2. Believe me, this 21m is not going to be the best sex you’ve ever had by FAR. Consider yourself lucky he’s in your past… when someone shows you who they are, believe them. He can’t be trusted.

  3. Behavior that gets rewarded gets repeated.

    The world is full of cock. Get a better one.

    > I doubt I’ll ever get a guy to sleep with me

    Hahaha. Guys would fuck a mailbox if it were closer to the ground. You sound like a very nice girl and I am sure you will do fine.

  4. He cheated on you and lied to you. And he has the fucking nerve to ask you to sleep with him again? Tell him to go fuck himself.

    “I doubt I’ll ever get a guy to sleep with me”

    I think you’ll do fine. You got this guy to sleep with you, after all.

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