I’ve been asking my girlfriend to put on a show for me while I watch her. I want her to use her sex toys and have sex with them as if it was me. She will make videos of her having all out sex with them but then won’t send them to me. (Red flag) she will them lie and say she was to busy to send them . She will say I have done all this in front of you already, witch we both know is a straight out lie. She says in not screamed to do it in front of you but never does.
Give me your thoughts of why she won’t do it in front of me and then lie ontop of it.

  1. She clearly does not want to. Why on earth continue to push something she so obviously doesn’t want to do?

  2. I personally would not trust someone else with my private videos. Love or not. It sucks that she needs to lie and hide. Ask her why maybe, and give her room to explain her emotions. It’s like a video or her being sexual scares her if released in the world…

  3. It doesn’t matter why she won’t use sex toys in front of you or send you videos of her using sex toys. She’s made it clear that she doesn’t want to do it. You’ve pushed her to the point where she’s lying to you. You should get a clue and stop asking her to do something that she doesn’t want to do. I also wonder what’s in it for you if she does it in front of you.

  4. She probably doesn’t want to feel like you want her to perform for you the way she’s asked to perform for people who pay her. In other words she doesn’t want to provide free sex work, and she doesn’t want to be treated like an unpaid sex worker by her partner. But since you keep insisting on it she tells you what you want to hear in he moment “oh yeah I totally made the video babe”. Plus chaterbate is a live cam service. If you’re asking for videos, those could be stolen or pirated and she may be worried about that.

    This would be my hunch as to what’s going on here at least…

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