So I am 27 f and my 31 m have been together almost 4 years. We rarely do anal but I want to so bad. It feels great, I’m all for it BUT. Fecal matter grosses me out. I’ve tried doing enemas and maybe I’m not doing them correctly?? (I am a very clean person) ANY traces of it turns me off. (My bf could care less of course) anyways I need to know how these hot anal whores are able to keep it so clean! Lol! But for real.. Help a girl out!

  1. I am sorry, cant be of much help , but seeing your amazing enthusiasm i really hope you do get help!!! . Way to go girl, all power to you and your booty 😉

  2. What you are seeing in porn is the result of two things: 1) pretty extreme measures including enemas, liquid diet, fasting etc. and 2) the ability to edit shit out (literally).

    Easiest would be if you weren’t so freaked out about the occasional mishap but that’s easier said than done. Can you deal with just not looking and asking your partner not to say anything if there is the occasional fleck of poop? Do doggy and enjoy. Have him ready with a wet rag for accidents. Relax and enjoy.

  3. Maybe you should do a cleansing drink. The fecal matter could be a result of your intestines needing to be cleaned out.

  4. I use laxatives the day before or early that day to clean out. Especially if you partner likes eating ass. Another good tip is to fast the day before as prep.

  5. My wife and I have been having anal sex on and off for decades, and all I can say is practice makes perfect. Early of there were a few mishaps, some we laughed off, some we had to take a break for a bit to forget about. But we haven’t had anything like that for quite a few years. She doesn’t do enemas, or anything like that, we were just able to hit the right routines, rythmes and lubricants that work for us.

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