When you call someone ‘goofy’ do you do this as a good or bad thing, why would you call someone goofy?

  1. Depends, are they being goofy in a fun/funny/adorable way? Or goofy in a weird/awkward/disturbing way?

  2. I come across so many posts like this that are dudes asking ‘what does it mean when a woman says…’. Like, it means whatever the word means. We’re not some mysterious creatures who talk in code. Stop overthinking every word before you create issues where there aren’t any.

  3. It depends on the sentence. “I like how goofy my girlfriend is” is a good thing. “Don’t listen to him, he’s a goofy” is a bad thing.

  4. I’d call them goofy if I thought they were acting goofy. That can be fun, silly, appropriate-to-the-occasion goofy or annoying, attention-seeking, inappropriate-to-the-situation goofy. Depends on the context.

    * Me laughing and smiling in an informal situation while saying, “you are so goofy!” is probably because they are being fun and silly in an appropriate context.
    * Me being stern or neutral while saying, “stop acting so goofy” is probably because they are being inappropriately silly or irreverent for the context.

  5. Where I live calling someone goofy means calling them a p*do so it really depends on where you’re from. But the original meaning of the word basically means silly so if you’re concerned about being called silly then you’re worrying to much

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