My (m17) best mate (f18) just recently ran out of birth control pills. Now she lives about 10 mins out of town on a farm (quite common where we live) and doesn’t have a car. The people she lives with go into town once a month of if that. Knowing this I offered to give her a lift into town, pointing out it costs me nothing as I get 50 bucks a week from my job just for gas. She said it was ok, yet is at the same time saying how shit it is to not have them. Ik this might sound selfish and it probably is but it’s how I feel, it pisses me off how I’m usually who she comes to with her problems yet won’t accept the help offered. So how do I get her accept the help with out being a dick about it?


TL;DR my mate ran out of birth controls and has no way to get them, yet when I offer to help her get some she refuses help.

1 comment
  1. If she refused your offer then she doesn’t truly want them. She can ask her doctor or a pharmacy to mail them to her. She can order them online (depending on location). Or she may need to see her doc for a refill. She has many options and since she isn’t doing any of these, assume she is not actually all that concerned.

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