What do most people think they can do easily, but really can’t?

  1. Cook/prepare a legitimate meal rather than cooking the meat and slobbing together defrosted vegetables and whatever else.

  2. Put yourself in harm’s way standing up for someone else.


    Let go of an ex.

    Get over trauma.


  3. You’d be surprised how many dudes I’ve known who unironically thought they could kill a silverback gorilla in a fight.

    I remember one’s logic was:

    “I weigh 100kg, I can lift 150kg, and silverbacks only weigh 140ish. That means I’m strong enough to win against a gorilla”

    This was a real WhatsApp message I received at 3:42AM, so I just said “yeah bro that’s crazy, good luck” and went back to sleep.

  4. I had a buddy who, any time we watched girls playing basketball, he’d say “I could beat them one on one”. Drove me crazy

  5. Hit a target with a handgun. You think it’s just point and shoot, right? Nope, even at like 20 feet or it’s real easy to move off target while pulling the trigger and not even realize it.

    There’s a reason why people practice a lot at the range.

    Rifles, on the other hand…. so much more forgiving.

  6. Psychoanalysis. Seriously, you’d think people couldn’t be bothered to look inside the cover of a Psych 101 textbook to even learn the correct terminology. No, negative reinforcement is not the same as punishment you twats.

  7. Surprisingly, fight. Not sure why, but random people challenge either me or some of my fellow fighters constantly at our training dojo; it’s pretty interesting actually, if you never studied math, then probably you will feel scared and not confident about a geometry test, but people that never fought before has an astounding amount of confidence

  8. As someone who works in finance, if I had a dollar for every person who thinks they can trade stocks like Warren Buffett, I wouldn’t have to work again. The reality is trading public equities is a consistently changing puzzle.

  9. Fight, so many men and women think they can just fight someone without getting hurt, blows my mind.

  10. Debate.

    My experience has been that most people’s arguments, most of the time, are built on a foundation made purely of fallacies.

    The same can probably be said of me too, but I at least try to avoid them.

  11. The right thing

    Being a good person takes constant effort and struggle. We all have within us the capacity for evil and are capable of far more than we realize. Anyone who doesn’t understand this has no idea how close they are to darkness.

  12. To be a true bro to another bro it’s not always easy. also to stop being a bro of it doesn’t work.

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