As the title says he said he wants to go hang out tomorrow night and his friend is coming along which I have no problem with. What’s iffy is he told me to wear something sexy.

Don’t want to assume anything but maybe he’s told his friend about me and they want to see if I’ll have sex with both of them? Maybe he just wants to show me off? Or they just want to hang out? Don’t want to assume and look like an idiot if I ask him

  1. Go to have fun and don’t worry about what may or may not happen. Wear what you want, makes you feel good. That way if thing don’t got the way you’d like you can still have fun.

    This sounds like to me your a woman going to hang out with 2 guys. So in that cause by you fwb asking you to wear something sexy it sounds to me like he wants hookup with you with his friend. Who knows is he’s friend knows about you or if they have specifically talked about hooking up with you together. Your fwb might just want to have his friend watch only or maybe you’re fwb wants to be the one only watching. Maybe you should ask your fwb if the idea is to have 3some or something. Unless you like the idea of just going with the flow and seeing what happens. I would suggest talking about it before hand that way all of you can bring things like sex toys and lost of lube. I’m not sure if your into anal if you are you could prepare for that if you know beforehand that this is a hookup.

  2. You should ask what he is thinking about. You have the right to know. Seems fairly obvious to me he has something specific in mind.

  3. Assuming you have control… Do not ask as it could forgo options. .. just dress sexy and go with the flo. Do not get wasted and if it feels right let things unfold. If it does not feel right assert your prerogative.

  4. I wouldn’t worry about it. Ask the guy what he has in mind or just get dressed up and go out. Just because your FWB may want a threesome doesn’t mean you have to accommodate them.

  5. Lay down the ground rules regardless if you wear anything sexy. That’s if you go at all.

  6. he sounds like a possibly manipulative asshole who speaks of you like an object instead of a person. don’t expect to be respected as such.

  7. Just in case no one says it, MFM is a pretty wild and powerful experience. For me and my wife, we did with a good friend that was just such a nice guy deferential to me. She felt powerful after a few incredible orgasms and the feeling of being stuffed completely, and I felt powerful because her asshole gave me like zero resistance, ostensibly because she was super turned on. And no lie everything ended happily ever after.

    But yeah go in there informed and know what you’re getting into. Communication is sexier than spontaneity!

  8. Going off of the fwb tag, I’d say sex is probably implied since it is the basis of the relationship. I would have him explain his intentions before you meet up.

  9. Yeah just ask him what his intentions are first. I would. Can’t be any more awkward just asking why than a fwb relationship anyway. Maybe a three way or maybe he wants to feel good in front of his friends that he can entertain a lady. I get that. Immature thinking but still I get that.

  10. Ask him… “What are you hoping for when we go out with your friend? Why do I need to wear something sexy?”

    Seems like he’s viewing you like an escort to be paraded around at his whim.

    Or, he wants to try and loan you out.

    Or, he wants something more and wants to show you off as “look at my prize”

  11. Ask him directly if this is some sort of set up for a threesome or sth. If it is, it’s up to you. If you’re down for it, I wouldn’t recommend just doing it; I mean there has to be a previous careful discussion of boundaries and whatnot. Maybe try and see how the chemistry between the three of you works.
    If you’re not keen to the idea, just straight up say “no”.
    Stay safe!

  12. I’d say ask him. Me and my fwb have flat out asked each other about adding another or going to swinger parties. Didn’t cause any riff in the appointments. Good luck! 👍🏽

  13. That is so weird…That is something that he SHOULD and that he NEEDS to ask you about. You can’t just surprise someone with what he’s planning. He sounds like a creep. And it’s a red flag he’s not communicating with you and asking you something like: Are you okay with this? Is this something you’d be into? Etc.

  14. Looks like he boosted to his friend about you and he wants to show off but that could lead to three sone at any stage if you two have no boundaries

  15. You should definitely ask. I mean he’s a FWB. I would want to know if he plans on sharing me. It comes off you may want more with him. I would just be blunt and ask him.

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