Hello I feel like I am okay at flirting but it can only take you so far it gets the gates opened but not seal the deal .

How do I change my behaviours or act romantically towards a girl I like without being creepy or acting like a simp . We flirt alot .

Also how to know if she wants to date you or just playing with you cause she is bored? I know it sounds harsh but all of you do it if not with a girl then with a guy friend who you only talk to when noone is around .
How to know if we are on the same track . Ask her out ? I did she said yes but we had to change plans . I feel like it’s over with her but I still sit next to her everyday and she smiles at me flirts or squeezes my arms alot ….

I just man I am telling you if you are just some random guy reading this all the rules you follow are a good way to jump in but it doesn’t not teach you how to swim alot specially not swim in a direction you want maybe stay afloat for sure

  1. There is no guaranteed way to know what she thinks, unless she tells you or is receptive to your advances. There is always the risk of rejection, though you have to make some sort of move.

    Secondly, you are both equal humans that could have chemistry. You sound as if you have low self esteem, don’t be your own worst enemy. We are all just people!

  2. There’s no way to know if someone really likes you or not unless you ask directly or indirectly.

    Instead of focusing in how showing you are attracted to her physically… Compliment the other qualities you see on her. Believe me IT WORKS.

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