Occasionally I get laughed at in public but I never know the true reason which is understandable. It’s none of my business knowing what other people think of me but it always make me conscious on if I’m doing something wrong. I don’t really struggle with anxiety but sometimes it hits me hard out of nowhere.

How the scene went was I was in Walmart looking at detergent and I get to the end of the isle. Two guys look at me and they starting to smirk and hold in their laughter. Almost like I was doing something off but I was just doing my own thing and not saying anything. Should I have said something on why they were laughing? Idk people are weird sometimes

  1. Why i hate humans so judgemental no genuine spirit atleast laugh away from me why laugh in my face or pressence smh i dispise people so much like what i don3 to you but mind my business and be genuine fuckkkkkk

  2. Next time someone laughs just go up to the person ask them why they’re laughing, just for educational purposes so you stop doing whatever’s funny. If they continue to laugh and don’t give you an actual response just Sparta kick them 5 isles down +20 respect

  3. If strangers are laughing at you, ignore them. But you should probably ask someone close to you to give you some honest feedback as to why. It probably has something to do with the way you look or your body language.

  4. I can think of a couple of things to check

    1. Are you wearing a fedora?
    2. Do you have something odd on your shirt?
    3. Are you wearing socks and sandals?

    Those are from experience cause if i saw a person with any of the above i could smirk a little (i’m really sorry)

  5. I don’t want to discount your perception here OP, but COULD it be that your anxiety leads you to believe “everyone laughs at me”… when the reality is – people really aren’t paying you any mind? They may be sharing an inside joke, they may have seen something funny and are chatting about it, whatever the case…it isn’t always about YOU.

  6. Here’s a story for you – a couple weeks ago I rocked an unusual braided ponytail cut, and when I was walking down a park, a couple girls started laughing at me. Instead of feeling bad though, I shouted “Do you like it?” without turning back, and I heard a sincere “I like it. You look cool dude”.

    Either ignore people like that if you don’t have the confidence, or straight up show that you’re not insecure about it if you really aren’t. In many scenarios, it’ll turn people laughing at you to people laughing with you.

    There is the chance they’ll actually start making fun of you after that though. And in that case? Well, fuck’em, they aren’t good people. Just keep your head up 🙂

  7. You’d think they are but they’re probably not and if they are, well they judge people so don’t value their opinion they’re literally crackheads whether you see it or not

  8. I can honestly say that many people will whisper to each other and stare at me when I’m out. And laugh.

    I am tall, large breasted, blonde hair, so people tell me that’s why, but I’ve also had a stroke, and am self conscious about it. People tell me they can’t tell by looking at me, but I can see it and am self conscious about it.

    I think it’s the shittiest thing to do to someone to obviously laugh about them. So cruel.

    I try and remember that no one is perfect, all of the people whispering and laughing are not perfect (obvious personality wise but also physically) and they must be quite insecure to do such things. Hold your head high and move on.

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