Last night my bf was in a bit more of a kinkier mood last night (which was very exciting) and told me to put porn on while he was in the shower for us to watch afterwards together.
I was so flustered (and very baked) that it took me most of the time trying to figure out how to even get it on the TV. He figured it out when he was done and told me to put on what I like to watch. I usually pick out what to watch based on my mood but nothing could come to mind and I just kind of sat there. He asked why I was being weird about it (definitely not in a mean way, more joking) and I got really embarrassed. We ended up having sex later but it’s been on my mind and I feel bad making it so awkward.
Anybody who has watched porn with their partner, do you have any advice or suggestions to make this process more smooth or any advice on this topic at all? I would greatly appreciate it 💛

  1. Exposure therapy. The more you do it, the more comfortable you will feel. It’s only awkward and weird because it’s new. You’ll be alright

  2. Well typically that’s something you both kept private so your first time watching together will be weird. Next time have him pick something or just pick a random video on the home page and go from there

  3. I think it’s great.. I’ve put porn on before and we have sex while we watch it.. then he’ll put what he likes and we keep having sex.. it’s extra stimulation and made the orgasm better!!

  4. I always find porn on a screen during sex to be a dampener on the porn and the sex.

    It’s way overrated. I also tend to feel like you do. What to put on what purpose is it supposed to have.

    Try it and done by shy to bin the idea if it’s just as dull for you.

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