Currently a college freshman in my first semester. It’s been really difficult to meet people with similar interests as me. However, in one of my classes, I sit near a guy who likes the same music, games, etc. as me. We’re both pretty introverted and haven’t talked much since the class is usually the professor lecturing. Every once in a while we have to talk to the person next to us, which is how I know he and I have the same interests.

The next meeting of this class is the last one, so chances are I won’t see this guy again. I really think we’d be good friends, so I want to ask for his discord or something. Problem is, we’ve barely talked aside from those few exchanges of “hey I like that game too” after seeing eachother’s wallpaper and talking about whatever the lecture wanted us to do. Would it be weird if I asked for his number or his discord despite how little we’ve talked?

  1. Maybe try something along the lines of
    “Hey, (hand him your number/discord info) if you wanna play (insert game) sometime, get ahold of me, I’m always looking for more people to play with”
    This gives him an out, just in case he’s super shy or not interested, so he can contact you on his terms without pressure.

  2. Well, if you won’t see him again, where’s the possible harm? Just tell him why you want to keep in touch.

  3. Definitely shoot your shot. “Hey I wondered if you’d wanna exchange phonenumbers or add me on discord… Or maybe both :), so that we can stay in touch? I really like you.” something like that.

    Imo v important is really adding the person on discord or if its phone then let him tell you his number and ring him so that he has your number too and als if you got one digit wrong you would notice.

    Again: shoot your shot. You got nothing to lose and more importantly, everything to win!

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