Women of Reddit, how do you deal with a man who is being very aggressive and is obviously looking for a fight?

  1. Removing myself from their presence, ending the interaction, and deciding on what boundaries I need to put in place to prevent being in that situation with them again.

  2. I go into full ptsd mode. I try to leave quietly but if I’m not able to I know I have surprising strength when I need to.

  3. That’s how I grew up with my brother, if he’s ever going to hit a woman or his girlfriend, I’m going to snitch him to the police, now matter how many times my mom tells me I should love him because he’s my brother.

  4. Remove myself. Or just go “you’re right, end of discussion” they usually get more mad at that lol

  5. I would just let them know their behavior is making me feel very uncomfortable and unsafe. then I would leave.

  6. To deal with a man who is being very aggressive and is obviously looking for a fight, I don’t deal, I walk away. If I can not move out right away I will at least find somewhere else to stay or go, until I can leave completely, which is asap. Life is too short to spend dealing with less than we deserve.

  7. I wouldn’t “deal with” him — I’d:

    * look for a safe exit (or a way to call for help if there’s no exit available)
    * report him to whatever authorities are necessary to get him the eff away from me if he’s violent
    * cease interacting with him

  8. Try to calm the situation by either saying nothing or speaking in a low voice. Until I could physically gtfo of his presence. Its unfortunate that bullies exist everywhere in every skin suit. If its a constant row with aggression you need to stay away from him imo, it’ll escalate from yelling to violence ar some point. Avoid and/or leave.

  9. Exit safety and make sure I’m surrounded by the general public or near security cameras, if possible.

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