help each other be better or smarter men! Give them an explanation in the comments section!

  1. Dick size actually matters, from a science POV. Women get more pleasure from bigger dicks.

    Google A-Spot orgasms.

  2. There is nothing of value in becoming blackout drunk. It may impress some younger folks who don’t know any better and who don’t really matter. And you are putting yourself and possibly others in danger. Just have a good time, drinking to excess proves nothing except that you have poor judgment.

  3. Avoiding fights, not belittling people or their feelings, watching romantic comedies, appreciating your wife or GF, enjoying cute cuddly animals, and caring about your hygiene and general appearance do not make you less manly. In fact I would say they make you more manly because a real man is a good, kind, considerate person who can enjoy and appreciate things comfortably and confidently. No alpha-maling, penis-comparing, or chest-pounding required.

  4. You can’t expect to land a hot girl by being average. Your effort and looks matter. You’d be surprised what a difference a proper haircut, clean fitted clothes, good diet, and a workout routine will do for you.

  5. How to change a tire and brake pads

    How to use basic tools

    How to examine a problem around the house and fix it

    How to show love and affection for the one that deserves it

  6. Women just want to vent. *They don’t want you to problem solve the obvious solution*. They already know that. They just want to vent. Let them vent, listen and ask a question or two that causes them to vent more. They’re much happier at the end.

  7. validate people. They don’t need your help or solutions, they just want validation in their feelings and thoughts.

    Or more abstract.. learn to communicate

  8. Anything about nutrition, medicine, or exercise that isn’t broscience, groupthink, or corporate propaganda.

  9. How to invest in your mental health. Best to start in your 20s… otherwise you will learn the hard way later on.

  10. Toxic feminism is different than normal feminism.

    Toxic Feminism-“All men are rapists and want to hurt/kill me.Don’t look at me and don’t even be near me.”

    Normal Feminism-“Please give me equal pay at the very least and take me seriously as a human being”.

  11. You need to be the ones to break the cycle of “nobody cares about men’s mental health and problems”. It’s up to you to start caring about your guy friends’ mental health and problems, it’s up to you to find friends/SO that cares about yours, it’s up to you to raise your sons and daughters in a way that they know it’s ok to speak about their mental health and problems. Complaining about it on Reddit on the tri-daily posts isn’t going to change anything.

  12. Never meet trouble halfway. Let trouble come all the way too you. Often it doest make it and you only have to deal with real problems.

  13. Have a conversation, tell a story, take a joke, write a letter/email, and how to dress outside of work.

  14. Looking reasonably fit really isn’t that hard, and has huge benefits in multiple areas that really can’t be overstated. There’s an entire realm between elite athlete (who do legitimately have to work extremely hard) and doing nothing (where most guys in America fall).

    How hard to work? You don’t have to kill yourself every workout and every day to look fit. It’s more about consistency than anything else, just a few hours a week on alternating days is fine.

    Can you eat like a regular person? Sure! Be a bit careful, don’t eat fast food every meal and maybe avoid sodas, but it’s entirely possible to be fit without limiting yourself to only kale salads. (It is worth noting though that every now and then especially if you’ve been having a lot of carbs a really hearty kale salad totally hits the spot)

    Is the gym necessary? Not at all. If you ENJOY lifting weights then definitely do it. If you prefer running, rowing, cycling, swimming, calisthenics, team sports, etc, then do those. That said, if you get really into the performance or appearance aspect (rather than just “fit”) there’s a point at which you will need to incorporate weights. But if you’re just aiming for baseline fitness, totally not necessary if that’s not your thing.

  15. How to be self sufficient. To many grown ass people don’t know the basics of the things they own and spent an assload of money on at times. Like to many young dudes don’t know how to change a tire like my man you spent anywhere from 5-100k and you can’t fix a flat on your car. You order out everyday because you can’t make nothing but hardboiled eggs. You can’t properly clean your house or wash your clothes because what? To many grown ass people don’t know the basics or don’t know how to even search up how to do said thing.

  16. Go see a urologist regularly after about 35 or 40. It’s just as important to men as the OBGYN is for women. And monitor your testosterone, it’s one of the biggest factors to men’s late life health (and possibly shorter life span)

  17. That you don’t owe women anything…. Stop doing all this shit to impress women. Stop fighting each other and doing dumb shit. Improve yourself because you want to for yourself. Love yourself first.

  18. Having to be right all the time, even when you’re wrong, makes you look like an arsehole.

    Stop letting your ego and arrogance make a fool of you.

  19. Anticipation is the closest thing to a true aphrodisiac. Everything else is really just a disinhibitor.

    Want your wife or GF to fuck you more & better? Plant the seed early in the day & make them both work & wat for it.

    In the morning before work do that thing you know they like for a second & then bounce leaving them wanting more.

    At lunch text: *Hey remember that time you something somethinged? still thinking about it.*

    at break: *When I get home I’m gonna/I want you to*

    When you get home: start slow until you are interrupted by the food you ordered ( you don’t have to go this far).

    2: if you want to fuck a girl in the ass get her off first.

    You can even combine the two with something like: You know I’m not gonna fuck your ass until you beg for it & then build endless anticipation where you can both explore with her safe in the knowledge she won’t get a throbbing knob.

    *Okay, I think I am ready*… Prove it

    3: If you don’t know what to say, try *good girl.* You’ll know immediately if it works.

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