The names have been drawn out of a hat so its purely random that I have ended up with the person.
We’ve decided to exchange gifrs during our team Christmas lunch at Pizza Express, which should be nice.
Just wondering if anyone else has experience with this, how did it go? Was there any ramifications if it went south?

  1. Are you in an intimate relationship with this person?

    If so, then no, do that in private.

    If not, then hell no, that would be insane.

  2. Co-worker in your team? No way should you do this.

    EDIT: WTF are you thinking? It’s even paired so she knows it will be you?

  3. Are you in a romantic relationship with them? Or best female friends who regularly share intimate details with each other? Otherwise that would be incredibly creepy.

    I mean even so, for something at work just choose something that’s not going to embarrass them.

  4. bro just get her (I’m assuming it’s a her) some Christmas related thing and be done with it. Why you gotta make it weird 😂

  5. Eewww no. That’s just the creepiest thing to even consider. It doesn’t even matter what gender the gifter or recipient is, this is a work event and not appropriate at all.

    That poor recipient having to put on a brave face at dinner and then be uncomfortable about being sexualised by colleagues whilst at work is unacceptable. Then they would have to weigh up if it was worth bringing this up as unacceptable to HR or management because this could get them labelled as touchy or unable to take a joke.

    Do not do this OP. Even if you think “well I wouldn’t mind” or “it’s not my intention to upset anyone”. It’s a dick move.

  6. No, it’s not acceptable. You will face serious disciplinary action for sexual harassment or a related offence.

  7. If its cheap lingerie for the most macho guy on your team then absolutely – bet everyone would get a kick out of that. Imo if its for a woman then its pretty much an instant no, would be either hurtful or creepy.

  8. I would say do not do it! Not worth it as it opens you up to some sort of harassment case with HR if it goes the wrong way.

  9. Yeah it’s fine, all in the name of banter. Chubby Dave from analytics would probably love some new crotchless panties. And everyone gets a giggle around the table.

  10. Please don’t do it.

    I’ve had lingerie in the secret santa twice, and both times were awkward for everyone. Didn’t know where to put my face, and we can all guess what the comments were like once we’d moved on to a bar.

  11. There has to be more context to this than you’ve given. Why would that even cross your mind?

  12. The hair on the back of you HR Manager’s neck is standing up. They don’t know why but something bad is about to happen.

  13. Nope. Not at all. This can’t be real…

    Years ago a new guy at our work got another new starter, a 23 year old female, a bottle opener in the shape of a giant dong. Everyone was opening their gifts one at a time in front of about 30 people she opened that and was mortified. Me and the other guys looked at each other, like who shit the bed kinda thing, but we soon found out who it was. They got rid of him as he was on his probation.

    Anything like this could be legal action waiting to happen.

  14. Yes you should absolutely go for it.

    Your work colleagues deserve to know what a fucking creeper they have in their midst.

  15. In for a penny in for a pound. Get them that reindeer jumper with the boob hole cut out and a tinsel bauble for their nip. At least it’s crimbo themed.

  16. As long as everyone else is gifting dildos ,crack pipes and zombie knifes I can’t see a problem !

  17. Go for it. If people didn’t do shit like this, then how would we know who the weird fuckers are??

    You’ll become a legend in your workplace. Like, in 5 years at the same pizza express they’ll still be saying “remember that dodgy bastard that bought crotchless panties for Warehouse John in the secret santa?! Bet he’s on a register now”

  18. A friend of mine was bought an ‘inappropriate’ gift for their secret Santa. Not lingerie but something which, taken out of context, was very upsetting for him. The person who bought it was nearly fired. If you have to ask, don’t do it.

  19. 1. Is the pizza express in Woking?

    2. Is your secret santa the new young intern?

    3. Is your name Andrew?

    4. Sweat much?

    Nothing else could explain this question

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