What are things that men don’t understand about men?

  1. I don’t understand why men have to cough up orange foam every day. It hurts, and it smells like pepper.

  2. How some guys just don’t have friends. I can’t imagine what that would be like, most of my childhood friends are on other continents but we still talk regularly. But even without them, making friends isn’t hard, most people are open to meeting someone new

  3. Hey guys, why we gotta be all macho all the time? It makes sense in some situations, but most of the time it just gets in the way.

    I get this all the time dealing with guests at work. Alpha bro has to make sure he’s yelling loud enough and threatening enough because there’s a minor problem with his reservation. A five minute correction transaction has now swelled into a twenty minute cacophony of chest beating because he has to make sure I know he’s tougher than me.

    All for what? In the end he’s extra agitated, everyone around him is annoyed and nothing has changed at all for me because I’m still just doing my job. Of course that’s best case scenario for a macho outburst. I’ve seen them end in felony property damage charges, so why do we gotta do this?

  4. I don’t understand why my dipshit housemate thinks it’s acceptable to help himself to my stuff without asking, or why he thinks it’s acceptable to leave the place looking like a fucking landfill. At the age of 38 he should be self aware enough to know that being a grubby, selfish little parasite is only going to end with me kicking him out. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  5. Why more of us don’t get vasectomies. If you know you don’t want kids then it might be wise to secure your future…

  6. I can only speak for myself I guess.

    I never understand men that flirt with your girlfriend while you’re right there. Like dude… You don’t even know me, why would you disrespect someone like that?

    I really don’t understand car guys. Why do you spend so much money on fast vehicles when we all have the same speed limit?

    Don’t really understand why guys like beer so much. I get it at a social event, but at home by yourself?

    Why men care so much about muscles… when you get jacked, women don’t really care. But men flock to you and want to be your friend. It’s very strange.

    Men that don’t want to be a father to their kid.

    Getting worked up over sports games….

  7. “Complimenting” my friends or girlfriend when they’re right there or not, to me. It feels as if you’re congratulating me on a “good pull”. They’re my friends dude, not objects, please don’t say that shit.

  8. Some of us love to jack off more than being with another person. Everytime a guy says this, some caricature of an alpha man, mostly some 13 year old will post something about checking the testosterone level. Lol. Comeon kido, if if it were true, then these people won’t fap either.

    And I have known many men actually say they prefer masturbating over sex.

  9. There are known knowns and there are unknown unknowns, but there are also known unknowns and unknown knowns.

  10. I don’t get why so many, especially older, men think it’s acceptable to just grab women, or say inappropriate things.

    I work in Healthcare, so it’s like 90%+ women, and all my work friends are women. So I hear all sorts of stories of dirty old men saying inappropriate things. Or witness them grab women inappropriately. I always step in and correct that behavior, just wonder why they do it.

    The nurse or aid working with them isn’t interested. They’re nice because it’s their job.

  11. Backstabbing and badmouthing you’re fellow workers. I had a few jobs switches and it always surprises me how toxic most workplaces are, shame.

  12. The guys who piss at a urinal with hands on the wall. It’s rare, thankfully, but I’ve seen it and it makes no sense. They take their schlong out, move close to the urinal and place both palms on the wall.

  13. If boys listen long enough to feminist narratives their mind will do mental gymnastics to accommodate for women at their own expense. After all men are willing to sacrifice for women. Most men don’t understand this rudimentary circuitry.

  14. That we are by nature irrational

    So many of us think we’re logical and make rational decisions, but in reality, we use logic to support whatever we emotionally want.

    We have to constantly work on identifying our emotions and separating them from our actions. The work never ends.

    Edit: for the men out there who question this, you might want to read up a bit. I recommend looking into “The Elephant and the Rider” analogy by Jonathan Haidt.

    The rider may think he is in control, but when there is a disagreement, the elephant does what the elephant wants to do, and the rider has no chance. Logic is the rider, emotion is the elephant.

    There are decades of research backing this up, going back to “Thinking Fast and Slow.”

    This is actually a big deal, because many men struggle with addictions and self destructive behavior. We think applying more logic will work, while it fails over and over again.

    We need to spend more time addressing the emotional side, and that starts with acknowledging that we are emotional.

  15. I don’t understand why men need to send dickpic to others than they have a sexual relationship with.

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