Me and my ex we dated, were fwb for a while and now we’re friends but I don’t like the way he treats me as a friend. I feel like he should put me a bit above his other female friends cause we have a good private relationship but in public he’s so different. Recently I heard something bad about him from a friend and I told him about it and the friend I heard it from is now mad at me for telling it saying that I cause all the problems and the worst part is he made me the bad guy in the problem even after I told him everything. It was a heated text conversation and I ghosted my friend and him after telling him to go fuck him self.
He’s popular and lots of ppl like him and I feel like my friend wants his validation more than our friendship and when ever I tell her something about him still liking me or something she turns it down and turns it into something impossible like she doesn’t ever want it to happen.
I felt like I needed sometime for myself so I’m focusing on myself
What else can I do ?

1 comment
  1. No. You don’t get to be put above others for being friends. He is friends with other people too.

    You betrayed your friends trust trying to suck your exes dick and air her personal issues out to him. She confided in you about something and you run to your other friend to tattle.

    You all sound young and dramatic

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