In short, Someone I had been going out with said some unsettling things to me when I decided to end things. Basically he implied that he had given me an STD without me knowing and also had actively tried to get me pregnant without my consent. I am awaiting my results for those tests but I just need to know. That’s sexual assault right ??? Even if he was just saying those things and they weren’t truthful I feel super violated. I mean, if I’m not pregnant that still doesn’t prove that he wasn’t actually doing that. Anyways I feel like he violated me and I’m thinking I was sexually assaulted :((

  1. Any attempt on your body sexually without your consent is sexual assault. It’s one thing if he didn’t know he had an STD, but he INTENTIONALLY gave you one and he was INTENTIONALLY trying to get you pregnant all without your consent. Consenting to sex isn’t consenting to an STD

  2. Please tell me he was stupid enough to put this in writing? And if so that you were able to take screen shots, if not do so now.

    And please go to the police, even if he thinks this is some sort of sick joke to get back at you for breaking up this pos needs to learn that actions have consequences.

    The more evidence you have the more severe those consequences can be, and you can help prevent this happening to the next person.

  3. If he knowingly had an STD and had sex with you without your knowledge of said STD, he could legally be charged in some states

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