My gf just told me her body count. She’s 23 years old and has been with 25 guys. We have been dating for 4 months now and this shit just killed me. Any tips on how to cope/deal with it? I know I can’t change the past but the thought of like 25 other dudes piping her and I’m just number 26 feels terrible.

She hasn’t been in any relationships since highschool (she’s one year out of college) so these were all just extended hook ups (no one night stands). This is eating me up inside and I don’t want it to change my perception of her. I love her to death but goddamn I’m in pain. Any thoughts?

  1. It means she took a while to want or learn to be in a relationship. Why do you care?

  2. That’s one of those things that nobody should discuss with their partner… Ever. Nothing good ever comes of it.

  3. You need to ask yourself why this bothers you so much. Why is it a big deal that she’s been with a significant amount of people? Obviously YOU are important given that she hasn’t been in a relationship since high school. So given that she’s chosen to not only be with you, but confide you, means obviously you mean more than anyone of those sexual experiences.

    Also — this is a huge point why I don’t believe couples should share their precious sexual history aside from need to knows.

  4. You kind sound like it making you feel insecure.
    How do you think girls feel about mens body counts? Men are not viewed the same and is more accepted which is bull in my opinion.

  5. Bottom line is she’s dating you. She obviously saw something special in you since she hasn’t had a relationship in a while, and that’s a thing that everyone has to deal with to some degree. We don’t like the thought of our partners being with other people, so I’d advise you to ignore her past and understand that she’s with you for a reason. If you’re worried she might still be emotionally invested with some people from her past, talk with her about it.

  6. What you are feeling is totally normal, don’t listen to these clowns.

    People have different values.

    Mayve she does think you are special and you are soulmates, maybe she is just out of college and you (dating) are the next new thing to try.

    Really can’t say without knowing her etc

    But fuck all these dummys telling you there is something wrong with you from not being thrilled about that.

  7. Why is she dating you? She could have found other guys, definitely has the capacity to have other partners, but she chose to have a relationship for a reason. If you find out why she chose you out of the option of finding another partner that can deal with some of your insecurities

  8. This is misogyny. The idea that once a woman has sex she is impure and worthless to a man. Since it is 2022, men think it’s ok if the number isn’t zero, but they still want the number to be low or they think less of her.
    Having sex doesn’t make a women less worthy of your love.
    I’m older than you and it has gotten better over the decades, but you obviously are still affected by this toxic idea.
    Imagine if our society went around telling guys that their penis was like an eraser and it disappears when it gets rubbed during sex. Imagine if girls judged you for getting your penis rubbed too much. Once girls knew how much sex you had had, all they could think about is your penis getting smaller and smaller and disappearing. What if your girlfriend was tortured by these thoughts of you having sex and it ruining you and your worth in her mind. All because of society telling her that penises are worth less after sex. It’s toxic bs.
    People have different styles of dating. My husband had lots of girlfriends before me. I had very short relationships and long stretches of not really much because I was picky (also I was religious so no sex). This did not mean we were incompatible. We found each other and we were happy!

  9. her number isnt a big deal unless she is bragging to everybody. some women just want to feel loved so they give it up when they get the attention they are looking for. hoping that will cause the guy to stay.. quite often guys leave after they get it.. especialy if it came too easy.. so sometimes its kind of like .. difficult for them and u..

    i dunno bro.. look at it this way.. it took her 26 times to get it right.. shes urs now and as long as she isnt cheating it shouldent be an issue

  10. Dude, this bothers you because you could.just be an extended hook up. She either never wanted a relationship or are just not good in relationships. Both are considered
    red flags for a 23 year old. You may need to view it as an extended hook up as well to get passed this until she proves that she can offer more. I wouldn’t get too close to her emotionally until then.

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