I have a fetish that’s physical in nature (you either have X or you don’t, and if you don’t, you don’t trigger my fetish)

My question is simply; can I ever be truly happy with a partner if they don’t have X. If they don’t have the thing I have a fetish for.

Why I worry is that while I could be ‘happy’ with someone without X, any time I see someone with it, I worry I’d always be longing for that instead.


edited to add context:

for argument’s sake, lets say it is blue eyes. One could always wear contacts that can make your eyes appear blue. and maybe that’d work for me. but my worry isn’t that I’d be “in love but limp over excited but loveless”, as, that’s fine; but rather that \*\*she\*\* would end up feeling inadequate knowing that she does not have blue eyes.

  1. I mean it might be too simple to say but if u try to really understand what makes u tick as we as ur partner could u come to a compromise. We all have some weird back end shit that is hard to talk about but maybe open up

  2. I mean I guess I am very much into my fet so….I guess if we aren’t compatible I wouldn’t want it cuz then it would feel unfulfilling in some way, I am very much into gentle femdom and I consider myself a sub, so I can’t really get myself to get into, you know, the other ways somehow, it’s better for me to find someone actually compatible for me than being with someone whom I can’t be myself with.

    A little problem is eh I am a guy with a huge insecurity about my kinks too so kinda makes it harder for me to find people who would be willing to engage into it, but then someone would be for me atleast

    For now, single life it is till someone comes along 🙂

  3. This depends in the fetish and if they would enjoy it or not. Which yiu can’t find out without communicating it. Some people may not necessarily be 100% into the actual fetish but 100% into what it does for you

  4. personally yes, I can be truly happy if partner doesnt meet fetish

    would I like the fetish, ofcourse, but im not here for the fetish, im here for the person behind it.

    sure I could find a person that shares that fetish but can this individual also make me laugh til my sides hurt? no

    but if its so serious that you’re questioning the relationship then it’s probably best to move on

  5. A fetish, by definition, means it’s a requirement for arousal. If not, if it’s just a sexual preference, then it’s a kink. So if it was truly a fetish for blue eyes, IMO, it would be difficult to be completely fulfilled in a relationship where that condition wasn’t met somehow. That is the nature of fetishes.

  6. I’m not even sure if someone who has an honest to goodness fetish can ever be “truly happy” in the first place.

    If it’s actually just a kink rather than a true fetish, though, then, that’s definitely a ***maybe***. True happiness isn’t exactly easy to come by in this world even under ideal circumstances.

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