Growing up, what did your parents force you to eat?

  1. My used to force me to eat things when I was really young. But as far back as I can remember they didn’t really force us to eat what they made. If we didn’t like it we could cook ourselfs something.

  2. They wanted us to try all food once. Most was fine, take a bite, either like it or don’t like it. That was the end.

    However, one day my mom made brussel sprouts. They smelled nasty and I didn’t want to try them. But my mom and dad had me eat one.

    So I did, it was so gross, but I ate it and swallowed it down. So then, as I was sitting at the dinner table feeling green under the collar, I ended up puking all over the place.

    They never had me try brussel sprouts again.

  3. There was this super healthy salad my mom would make and, lord love her, she made it for our good health but after she’d put it together — all fresh veg and cheese — she’d throw a can of sliced beets in and it all turned pink! Impossible for little kids to eat. Taste had nothing to do with it, it was the mad, weird color. We sat for an hour after dinner while she waited for us to taste it but the dang thing was it’s own danger signal!. Poor mom.

  4. Hobo Stew. Made with water and whatever leftover meat we had, and whatever veggies were on their last legs. No seasonings, no broth, just… nasty.

  5. Pan fried beef liver.

    I told my kids and they thought I was making it up until I was able to show them liver in grocery store on poor side of town one day.

  6. I still remember hating new potatoes so much that I would swallow them without chewing, I can still remember the pain of it, but I preferred it to the taste of new potatoes

  7. Salmon cakes made from the cheapo salmon cans with the bones left in. That stuff ruined canned fish for me.

  8. Steamed squash. My family didn’t discover roasting vegetables until I was in my teens and the texture made me gag

  9. They didn’t. If I didn’t like something I was told to simply not eat it, with no comment or complaint.

  10. Not “food” but they really had to threaten to pull nails to get me to take a cherry robitussin

  11. One bite rule. You have to try at least one bite of what was on your plate, but was never forced to try thing consistently. I’ve kept that rule from my childhood home and still have it in the home I own today.

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