Men who are really happy in life…what are you doing right?

  1. not married but i have multiple long term partners,i got good money from a job that doesnt take much of my time and i say what i want to say when i feel like it so i dont have regrets.

  2. All of it I guess? Put in the work in school to get a good job that pays the bills, stayed in shape, married a great woman.

    Helps to keep it realistic too – lots of people living better than nearly anyone anywhere has ever lived, but still butthurt they’re not a billionaire.

    Bud I can go to the store and buy an orange right now. Julius Caesar couldn’t do that.

  3. Don’t take this as preaching, but it is true; looking back with a rearward lens I see it all so clearly now. – – I had really good nurturing/loving parents that were also very helpful in guiding me into adulthood. I chose the right education and career path. And chose the right woman to be my wife and life partner. In so many ways this was more by luck than choice but regardless I recognize I’m living a charmed life right now. I’m very grateful.

  4. I have a job that fulfills me, a wife that adores me, friends and family that support me and a workout/diet regimen that helps me being the best version of myself.

  5. Happy wife.. happy life.. but no in all seriousness I married the right girl.. lots of other contributing factors but for me, it’s the SO and my daughter

  6. 1. Financially stable.
    2. Exciting sex life.
    3. Healthy marriage.
    4. Exciting sex life.
    5. Free time that allows me time to be around family and pursue my own interests.
    6. Regular vacation and travel time.
    7. Flexible schedule.
    8. Exciting sex life.

  7. As a single man in his mid 30s, I would say just focusing on me, and improving myself everyday. My life is organized, I have a job that I love, my mental health is great, and I am able to focus on other aspects of life like writing, musical instruments, going on a hike and getting outdoors, and just enjoying life. It’s all about the self improvement and seeing the rewards from that. More and more men are becoming this way, getting everything toxic out of their lives, especially the toxic relationship and just focusing on their own improvement. There’s really no rush for us as we tend to get better with age

    One day I would like to settle down and have a family, but with a study that came out last year saying that now 50% of women having some sort of mental health issue (depression, therapy, rely too much on social media, mental breakdowns, ect…) it is much easier for me to take the time to find a good quality one instead of feeling rushed which pretty much leads to disaster.

    So do what makes you happy first, and work on yourself. Find the little things in life that makes you happy. People will notice your uplifting and positive attitude and will generally be attracted to that.

    As the flight attendant says: secure your own mask before helping someone else…..🍾

  8. I work hard but at a job I love.

    My girlfriend and I do just about everything together, but we also have our own hobbies and likes too.

    I devoted myself to animal rescue, I found that doing something for someone or something that can give you nothing back but love. Has changed my life for the better.

    I also unashamedly smoke a ton of pot and cut out alcohol.

  9. i want what i have and am contempt with that.

    i dont work much

    lots of friends and people i like

    lots of free time spent arround nature.

  10. Making choices that lead me to the life I want.

    I had the worst childhood, truly. But I put myself through law school, got therapy for any lingering issues from abuse/abandonment, and married an incredible woman.

  11. Having a good family, a good job and strong faith. I also take care of myself physically.

  12. I have a job where I make enough money not to worry about bills. I’m not in a relationship and I don’t have kids or pets, so I can travel for work or fun whenever I want. I can focus on myself and my own wants and needs. If I’m upset about something, I can usually change it pretty quickly. If I want to do something, I can just do it. Go somewhere, just go.

    There’s not really many things that make me unhappy right now. I’ve been losing weight and getting into shape, so that’s great. I’ve been watching shows and movies I enjoy. I get along with my coworkers at work. The future is probably going to be pretty okay for me.

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