I feel like I don’t fit in around people my age and it’s affected my ability to make new friends or even find a girlfriend. It’s not like I intentionally try to be different, it just seems like my mindset is different then a typical college guy and it makes it way harder to meet new people that I actually like.

Iv’e always had my best friends from I met growing up that I’ve met from middle school to highschool and we hang out when we get the chance. I’ve also got a group of friends similar in size from the ones at home in college. Between both my friends groups, we’re all guys and only about 3 of them between both the groups have girlfriends. Other than that, I don’t feel I fit in with a majority of people my age, or really people in general in a typical college.

I’m the most sociable among my friends and a lot of people like me and are nice to me, but I don’t really seem to fit in with them. A lot of people think things like frat parties are fun, but whenever I’ve gone to these things in the past I feel like “they aren’t my people”.

I don’t typically have fun at these types of things, I don’t have much in common with the types of people who go to them, and I do try to force myself to like them so I can meet new people, especially girls, but when I go, I virtually have nothing in common with these people and it makes everything so stressful and difficult. I dress well try to present myself well. I’m not socially inept, internally kinda shy, but at least I can appear like a normal person.

At my core im an introvert and like anime, games, deep conversations, movies. But I don’t meet girls doing these things. So I try to be social and do the things that any typical college guy does. But I don’t enjoy it and don’t fit in. I see loud guys backwards hats yelling going crazy, yelling or talking about sports and then all the girls wearing tank tops, vapes, ripped jeans and aren’t really interesting in the slightest.

Even in my major I want to make friends and have a few acquaintances, but it’s like everyone is like a “clique” and it feels very exclusive. It’s like even if I wanted to talk and be part of them I can’t. And it’s hard to explain it, but the people seem very fake and have an ego.

I usually don’t care about these sorts of things, I have the best friends I could ever have, but I’ll never get any girlfriend if my network doesn’t expand. After college I won’t know what to do, and I want to meet people after college but it seems like I missed my opportunities because I felt I didn’t fit in amongst others my age.

I hope I fit in more outside of college and I hope I meet new people

  1. College tends to have a diverse group of people with varied interests. Sure, at your school the frat parties, etc may be the majority, but I’d be shocked if there was no one like you. I’d say based on my university experience, there’s definitely people I’d say are similar to you in uni…you just have to find them and find where they hang out.

    Have you considered joining a club on campus or extracurricular activity that will attract likeminded people?

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