I’m married now, 9 years this February, but my wife jokes about my past girlfriends with things like, “You like fat chicks” or “You just liked her because she has a pulse”. lol. I mean I have dated some girls that other people would call fat. One was tall, like 5’9″ and weighed somewhere around 250. Another was like 5’3″ and said she weighed 175, but considering that’s where my wife is right now I now know she weighed more. lol. But I don’t care! When I met the girls I dated that were “plus-sized” it was after talking to them first and having a connection there. The physical part that might turn other people off didn’t for me. To be honest, I *do* actually like thick girls. There’s just something about those curves that I really like. My wife talks about gaining weight, and I’m always like “You look beautiful”. She does, to me, anyway.

But in the past relationships aside, strictly on the hook-ups, yeah, I didn’t have a type. Life is about experience, right? So if they’re of age, and willing, why would I say no? They’ve been tall, short, big, small, thick, thin, everywhere from an A cup to an H cup, every race, all the major religions, all different ages, girls people would say are ugly, to girls people would say are models (two literal models), and it was all fun. I have zero regrets. There were no “walks of shame”, and anyone that thought so is a jerk.

I just always wonder why other people are so uptight and have all these “standards” for who they’ll date, who they’ll hook up with and I’ve heard some weird ones, like “Only guys with 6-packs”, or “No one who’s second toe is longer than they’re big toe”—You’re actually measuring this? Your head in in the wrong spot. lol. And then, all the people I think are kind of racist with only dating people of specific other races. Like White girls that *only* date Black guys, Black girls that *only* date White guys, and so forth. That makes no sense. Live a little. Stop putting yourselves in boxes.

  1. Pretty similar for me. I mean… THEORETICALLY I can tell you that if I have to say a type it is petite/short women and preferably dark haired. With a nice ass, don’t care so much for tits (though bigger is better I guess to a point). But in PRACTICE I’m attracted to ALL kinds of women. Some thicc some tall etc. so in practice I really don’t have a “type”. Like I do not get… Disproportionately aroused by the type I mentioned, just that if I’d have to say something I’d say that as my type.

  2. If you lined up all of my past partners, you would think they were just randomly selected. The only thing they all have in common is that they have female parts. Tall/Short, Thin/Thick, White, Black, Asian, Ukrainian, younger than me, older than me. It’s always been about the person and not the body.

  3. So funny you mentioned the toe thing, I know a guy who actually did break up with a woman because of this lol.

    Anyway, I don’t think everyone has a type. I find lots of different looking women attractive.

  4. I’m right there with you, man. People get hung up on random physical qualities that society has conditioned people to believe are “the way.” Nah… fuck that. Generally, if you’re a good woman that’s fun, smart, and just general good vibes, I can find you sexy.

  5. Bro…sounds like you have a type. Thick girls are your thing. Same with me. You’ve just allowed slimer girls because it’s considered desirable by everyone else.

  6. >I just always wonder why other people are so uptight and have all these “standards” for who they’ll date, who they’ll hook up with

    Because it’s easy and organic. I am attracted to a certain type.

    If I go out of my way to break this pattern, how does that benefit me when I’ve been having great experiences with the people I’m hooking up with/dating? If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

    Sounds like something that takes effort and I don’t know what for.

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