I hooked-up with this german girl and we had sex once.I noticed there’s blood in my hand after having sex with her which is very unusual for me. I thought she was just having a period or something. I didn’t do oral but she did to me once and never did it again. I’m a lesbian never hook-up nor sex with random person that was the first and only one-night-stand I’ver ever had. Now, I don’t feel any pain or anything at all but whenever I peed it smells and my pee doesn’t smell sort of intense urine or something so I didn’t make a big deal out of it. I just have my period now and I noticed my blood is black, thick and little. Mind you for 32yrs I never had black blood I have clot but it’s not black. This is different. I checked online and it seems that all signs led to STI but I’m afraid it’s STD/HIV somehow. I’m planning to have myself check after my period just to observe. Any tips, ideas or whatever how to deal in this situation?.

  1. That’s true but she did some oral to me. Soo that could be one way of transmitting it.

  2. I know you can get stds in your mouth from oral and stuff. So if she had a std in her mouth and gave you head, she could of transferred something like an infection. I would make a doctor appointment and get tested just for your own sake.

  3. > I’m afraid it’s STD/HIV somehow.

    This literally _never_ happens. Even if the German girl was one of the 10 or so lesbians in the world who are HIV+, she did not pass it on to you.

    Other STDs are not impossible, but very very unlikely.

    And, STDs don’t cause black menstrual fluid.

    Definitely talk to your gyn but whatever the issue is, it’s not an STD.

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