I found out from the gas station attendant that lately, my bf has been purchasing a different brand of kind of cigarettes, in addition to his own, of which neither one of us smoke. We live together and are together almost 24/7, other than running errands sometimes. He’s smoked the same type of cigs for years, and that hasn’t changed.

The only friend he hangs out with every once in a blue moon does not smoke cigs, nor does the friend’s wife wife. My bf works from home, so there are no coworkers of which he’d be buying them for.

When the lady at the gas station told me this, she looked at me with this *’please understand what I’m telling you, without me actually telling you’* kind of look. Big trying-to-help-a-sister out type vibes.

I want to hold my cards for now. If I flat out ask him, and he *is* cheating, he’ll then be much better about covering his tracks.

I realize that many might say that if I even have to wonder, it’s not a relationship worth holding on to. But I know myself, and if I break it off without knowing for certain, I’ll second guess myself to the point of torture.

Is there any other logical explanation?

Occam’s razor is telling me that I know the likely answer, but I’d appreciate Reddit’s opinions as well. I tend to trust my gut, but simultaneously second guess myself.

  1. You’re going to need a lot more than that to prove anything. Was this a one time thing or has it happened several times?

  2. it is suspicious, but it isn’t a smoking gun on cheating. I does warrant a discussion and then proceed from there.

  3. He could be cheating or he could be buying them for someone platonically. Time to turn into inspector gadget.

  4. Make “plans” for 2 nights from now to “go visit your friend.” Use the time you would have been doing so for your friend to visit you and for the two of you to keep an eye on things. If the bartender doesn’t know her, have her hang out in the corner in the bar reading or something just watching the situation when he goes in. When he leaves either alone or with someone else, she can text you and cautiously follow. She might even be able to get some photos if she is cautious about it.

  5. Asked the gas attendant, did she see him with another woman? If the answer is yes tell her to take a picture of them together off the video camera, there is your proof.

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