What’s the male equivalent of a woman stealing a guys hoodie?

  1. Keeping her panties.

    Her: Hey, did you happen to see my panties at your place? I couldn’t find them this morning and I was late for work so I left without them.

    Him: Nope. *sniiiiiiiifffff*

  2. Being better friends with her brother than she is, and maintaining that after dumping her.

  3. smelling her used tampons that she leaves in the little garbage can with a lid in my bathroom that everyone on reddit told me i needed.

    thanks guys.

  4. As a woman, I feel the equivalent is … when a man allows me to come shopping with him, and help pick him out clothes.

  5. My last partner had a collection of a very soft, very warm blankets.

    I still have two of them.

    He does not know. My current partner, thinks this is hilarious, and she is constantly trying to steal them from me.

  6. I think people are missing that is a turf claiming thing. Real snswer? Boots under the foot of her bed.

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