I live in a tiny town in west texas and after just having got out of a high school romance that left me kinda completely broken in all aspects earlier this year. Depressed with how lonely it is in this town and with how like strong that feeling is to have any sorta connection/relationship again after its been almost a year since ive even really had anybody to talk to i gotta ask if anyone has had any experience with building/getting into relationships as a gen Z in a tiny town or something?

like after high school especially, i feel like you kinda lose all sense of community you might have had and that massive hub for socialization is just completely along with that which had i known that before i maybe wouldve take school and the idea of college more serious

also, im sorry if this is too vague or too specific at all, im kinda just writing this at the moment to hopefully try and gleem any sorta idea or hope or something of any kind? massive rutt.


TL;DR: Anybody in gen Z have experience with dating in smaller/tiny towns after high school?

  1. This is for u bro read
    Proverbs 19:14
    House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.

  2. like i dont know maybe its just my town specifically but its kinda like really fucked? there is literally nothing for people between the ages of, say, 18-20 to do because this town has focused so much on the oil economy by building nothing but gas stations and road side stores that the actual people that live here literally have nothing but like bars? which i need not say for people between 18-20 doesnt really equate to anything because you cant drink lmfao.

    no movie theaters, no mall, no interesting stores, no “little gems”, no nice scenery, no entertainment. we have a somewhat nice library but for how long will that suffice as a place to take someone out on a date?

    nearest actual city is like 100 miles away and with the prices of gas im pretty much gonna have to be paying half my utility in gas just to be able to maintain that for dates.

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