Particularly when you’re lacking social support.

  1. Just kinda “deal with it”/think about how much relief I’ll feel when it’s finally over

  2. I always give myself a small goal .. something I know I can do like opening the document. Then I focus on the next thing read the task / prompt . Break the task into manageable parts but don’t think about the whole think about a piece. Work piece by piece Eventually you will find your stride.

  3. i simply stop thinking and focus on the work, just do whatever you can (took me years to be unbothered, but yea it helps in life as my mind is one of the toxic places).

    Getting done with things is better than getting them done perfectly.

  4. in the past, I submitted to the darkness and it affected school and work. Now that I have learned to be alone, I don’t let the darkness inside anymore because I am the one that gets hurt if I succumb to the darkness.

  5. I think about how much worse things will be if I didn’t get the thing done and it compromised my ability to keep the job/stay in the program, and it gives me the motivation I need to do the thing. 😬

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