
I know the title sounds bad but I’m just wondering if it’s really possible to land a job in less than a year since some programmers on YouTube say it is. I am currently debating on whether to go on the data route (Python/SQL/Azure) or the front developer one (HTML/CSS/JS, React).
I tried to gather as much information as possible but the opinions seem to vary. Some people say data engineering is hard to land but analytics is very easy and you can start working after half a year of learning, others say it’s near impossible to land without a degree.

\*I’m from the UK (Brighton) so I’m thinking both career paths are in high demand.

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  2. It is realistic, but you need to build projects to prove your skills. You should also look into things like ci/cd, deployment pipelines, aws, testing, agile software delivery, all the stuff around just writing the code that will make you employable. Personally I would go down the phyton/sql route as it will be easier to build and show your projects without worrying about the design.

    Edit: also look into coding meet ups in your area.

  3. Front end is much easier to get into. Spend your nights learning it and getting together some web pages you have done.

    Then just possibly you may be able to go for Graduate roles.

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