Why is Monday, the universal chest day?

  1. I like to start with legs personally.

    The Monday crowd has a lot more of the “I only do chest and biceps” bros that *only* hit the bench and the curls.

  2. It’s not. Monday is power leg day. Front squats, single leg squats, extensions, curls and calves.

  3. I have yet to figure it out. I usually do legs on Monday since all the squat racks are open because everyone wants to bench.

  4. Because alot of men place high value on having a defined chest., I usually start most Mondays with legs so that I can hit them again on Friday.

  5. It’s not and it’s dumb. Monday is pull day because then I have a push day before my legs day where I deadlift. Having pull and legs back to back is not good programming in my opinion when you can just as easily sandwich a push day in between them (and then also have a rest day between your first legs day and second pull day)

  6. When I did a three day rotation it was because Monday’s sucked ass and having chest and arms were the most fun to actually do exercises for. So it was a way to make a sucky day less sucky, legs left me shot and so I picked Friday for those so I wouldn’t have to walk on them as much on the weekend. Course this was years ago since I’ve been a regular.

  7. I do chest on Monday because Sunday I’m outside hiking or biking or skiing all day.

    My chest is the only thing on Monday that doesn’t need a break. I could do a rest day Monday, or I can do chest Monday.

    I get that it’s popular among other guys for no reason, but I actually have a good reason.

    TLDR: because my legs and back are tired and sore from Sunday and chest is all I can do

  8. Push pull legs, and a lot of bro splits have chest at the beginning of the week. If you start on a Monday (like a lot of people) you get a lot of guys doing chest. I personally do pull push legs, so I run into a ton of other people doing legs on Wednesday.

  9. I actually prefer leg days on Mondays, might as well get it out the way and by the time the weekend hits I’m not sore anymore.

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