My friend said she’d help me date my crush but only AFTER I know more about him. How do I ask her to tell me more about him without sounding like I’m trying to use her to get close to him? (I have NO CLASSES with him and I’m in high school).

1 comment
  1. going through a friend is a bad idea. It sounds fail proof at 15 but you’ll soon learn sometimes it leads to the boy being interested in the friend or your friend could develop feelings for him unexpectedly. An example to better explain this is what if a boy you were attracted to came up to you to tell you that their friend who you’re not that attracted to likes you, you would tell him that you’re more into him. Im not saying it’s all about looks im saying your friend talking to him opens up a door for him to talk and potentially start liking her which you wouldn’t want. So my advice would be to tell your friend never mind, and speak to him directly. If you can’t catch him in the hall or at lunch there’s always social media, you could dm him or reach out on whatever apps you guys are using. Even if you’re too shy to speak up to him directly I promise you there’s a good chance your friend speaking to him will backfire or have negative results.

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