What are the little things they do that mean a lot? What do they do when you’re sick, for example if you were to have a migraine? Do you have to ask or do they preempt your needs?

  1. Cooks without being asked and without asking me what he should make. Brings me meds when I’m sick, makes me hot water bottles, draws me baths. Gives me massages. Cleans. Takes care of our cat. I don’t have to direct anything, he’s fully capable of knowing what needs to be done and doing it. Buys me my favourite treats to cheer me up. Brings me tea (my fave) at work if he has a spare moment. Finds eggless cookie recipes to try (I’m allergic) and prints out the ones I really love. Fills up my gas tank if he uses my car. Sometimes takes it just to fill it up when he’s doing errands. If he hears about books I might like on tiktok he sends them to me. Asks me about what I’m reading or about work etc. in a way that isn’t just “how was your day.” Etc. etc. etc.

  2. Its the little things.

    If he sees I’m tiered and over stimulated from the day, he will order food. Or just offers to heat up a can of soup.

    Wen I’m in the bathtub, he will bring something to drink and then will vacuum downstairs.With out me asking.

    If I say what would you like to eat, he actually answers instead of saying “you pick”

    Its not adding mental workload to the day. Meaning that I don’t have to keep track of everything and then ask him to do stuff.

    Driving past a butcher and seeing warm/ready spareribs on sale and picking them up just for me. (He dislikes spareribs)

    Stuff like that. And it goos both ways.

  3. Some examples: Turns on the hearing for me so I’ll come home to a warm house in the winter. Wakes me up with coffee. Cooks healthy foods, if it’s my turn to cook he’ll clean something. Goes to the gym with me if I need some motivation. I hear him telling about my accomplishments to his colleagues when he works from home. If he works late he’ll call me to te me I should order food, his treat. He’ll wash my car, fills up the tank because he knows I hate doing that. Sends me pinterest ideas he thinks I’ll enjoy. If he irons a shirt if his he always asks me if I have any clothes that need to be ironed.

  4. I really, really wish I could find someone who reciprocates all those things I love doing. But I never had anyone put as much effort as I do. My best friend though has been dating this guy since March and it makes me smile to see how well he treats her and all the little things he helps her with or does for her like warm up socks in the dryer before they watch a movie, learned to prepare her favorite tea, helps her blow dry her hair because it’s very long to do etc. It gives me hope.

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