Hey guys!! Sorry my english is not that great, im a really chatty person like i talk too much and my voice is very loud( i don’t know why), but back is the day its really fun cuz i get more attention. But now its bit annoying and i want to stop, i want to be a silent and calm can anyone give some tips please (sorry for the English)

  1. People don’t mind very chatty people as long as you also listen to other people and are not talking over them all the time. Being loud and jokey is good! Just make sure you’re also giving space to those arpund you to be chatty as well

  2. I’m the same, minus the chatty part for the most part. Don’t bother changing, you’re not hurting or harming anyone. Just respect others around you when in-doors, but apart from that, be yourself.

  3. I’ve had this problem. Had an old manager that told me my sense of humor would keep me from getting promoted, so I went to a new job where I got promoted regularly. So, my first question is is it a problem with you or the people around you?

    I still think I talk too much though. And you don’t just fix it. It’s constant work and conscious decisions. ‘Do people need to know this?’ ‘Is this appropriate right now?’ you have to always ask yourself these questions.

  4. Nothing wrong with chatty but if you’re the only one engaging and joking, it’s probably time to give it a rest if no one else is taking part in it. Depends who you’re around though.

  5. 1. Keep your mouth shut and listen and wait for at least 2 people to finish what they’re saying and think about what they said.

    That’s if you’re in a group.

    2. If it’s one on one just do the same. If someone is talking and you want to interject because you just thought of something.


    3. Be quiet. Listen to what they’re saying and after they’re done think about it and then talk.

    Also don’t confuse this for “waiting to talk”.

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