Hi tbh i kinda already know what i want to do so more just writing out my feelings here. Also apologise for any spelling (i have dyslexia)

So this girl who we shall call B i have recently started catching feelings for in work. She is smart, kind hearted and funny, honestly grateful to know her.We work in the same team and in the same department so once this project ends we have a fairly high chance of working again. So i’m def not going to ask her out till i leave the company, cause it would be horrible to put her on the spot. I want to leave the company anyway so this is just giving me more motivation now haha

At the start of the project we were told by our manager to do 1 on 1 calls to learn off each other as we were both new starts out of uni. These calls started off as that just learning of one and another, but as you can guess it just turn into us having fun and banter conversions haha. Which has been great, these calls are 30mins long each day. And its been like this for 6 months. So we know each other very well and each others lives. I would regard her as one of my closest friends. And thats how it started, i didnt have any feels for her. Just was glad to be her friend, but the feelings have just been growing and growing.

We live on different sides of the country so we have only seen each other face to face a few times for team meetings. Well until this month, where i went on a lads holiday near where she lives. So i came over a day before the holiday so we could hang out. Now she did say we could bring friends, but my one mate who i was meeting the next day was busy, so she said she would bring hers. So i travel over on the day and meet up. And honestly she was so pretty haha, but her friends werent free so it was just us two. She took me to her favourite indian restaurant, then an arcade and finally a horror film. ( I was not manly or brave in that film haha) But it honestly felt such like a date hahaha. Been on a few dates this year but this was the best one and it wasnt even one. It was also the first time i could really see us being together.

During that day, in the restaurant she asked me how my girlfriend was (even tho she knows i’m single as a pringle) So think she asked that so we could talk about relationships lol Then asked questions around my dating life and about my exs. So then i asked her the same after that. She has never dated anyone just had one guy asked her out a few years ago which she said no too.But shes now she under pressure from her family to have an arrange marriage (jainism). And is going to indian for a month here for 2 weddings (not hers) but her fam have arranged some possible candidates (her words). So obs i’m internall yscreaming here incase she meets someone. Her fam has said they want her wedding to be next year. Now she doesnt want to get married but happy to date guys so shes going to check them out.

So if i didnt work with her i would have asked her out before she goes away here, but i cant. its not fair on her to do that. So been applying away but nothing is going to be lined up in time for when she goes.

And finally i’m not sure if she likes me back but i’m planning on asking anyway. I did have date with a girl last week which didnt work out, and she seemed happy about that haha, so i feel theirs hope

But yeah what do you guys think? Will die inside if shes engaged or something when she gets back hahah also anyone got more knowledge around jainism? I’m assuming her family wouldnt like her dating a white guy who isnt of the same religion?

1 comment
  1. If she is 25 and either is under that much influence from her family or hasn’t figured out her boundaries with her parents yet (what it seems like) it is just not worth it man. Speaking as an Indian.

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