It’s generally stereotyped that women on their period are cranky and short tempered. I don’t think that that’s always necessarily the case.

Some women I’ve been with have been nothing more than tired and exhausted on their period, and some became insatiably horny during this time.

Just wondering what some of the attitudes you girls adapt when it’s their time of the month are!

  1. I’m more short tempered but that’s because of cramp pain and blood gushing from my vagina. It’s very hard to be in good spirits when you’re internally shedding an organ 😂

  2. Actively on my period? Just tired and in pain. The week before? Unwilling to deal with any sort of bullshit that come my way.

  3. the week right before, im a moody mess. like full on depression the week, potentially PMDD. irritable, hopeless, exhausted, laying in bed all day, sometimes even suicidal. its scary.

    during my actual period, these feelings slowly go away. first day or two im cramping and a bit cranky and super tired. last couple days my confidence/mood spikes and its great.

    crazy how much our menstrual cycles affect our mood

  4. In pain. A little annoyed sometimes. Have a headache. Usually some fatigue – some days more than others.

    Moodiness is usually the least dramatic of my symptoms (PMS and through my period), and goes unnoticed.

    So, usually, not too bad, but my morning this morning was a serious doozy. is day 2 of my period.

    Normal me would have rated this morning maybe at like.. 8 for enormously frustrating (it was and will be shit even in retrospect).

    PMS/MS me probably made it a 12. I had to take a PRN for anxiety.

    I kept my shit together for everyone else, but it was brain melting and emotionally exhausting for me.

    I’m sitting in the bath right now and can’t wait to get in bed (stuff to do first) and hopefully conk out *really* quickly.

    Oh, also.. TMI warning..

    Period shits. Thanks, body – I hate it.

  5. Usually a bit emotional, in pain but also weirdly horny.

    I don’t ever get angry unless something serious makes me angry so it’s never a result of being on my period.

  6. On the surface and with others, stoical and the same as usual; my attitude and social behaviour remain largely unchanged.

    But on the inside and when I’m alone, exhausted and frustrated when my dysmenorrhea is acting up, worsening my insomnia and making me nauseated from the cramps.

  7. A week before I’m depressed like hell. I think about running away from my life, taking on a new identity and living in a different country. I am easily irritated and don’t want to talk to anyone. My boobs start to hurt and I get headaches.

    First and second day of my period I feel like dying. It feels like getting fisted with a barbwire wrapped hand while being nauseous. So I try not to move, not to eat, and just want it to go over.

    After that. I’m back to normal.

  8. Depends on my cycle tbh. The main thing is my cravings. I’ll crave more sweets on my cycle.

    I’m definitely one to experience some cramps and feel tired when I’m dealing with heavy days oh and headaches.

    The horniness depends while on cycle But I’m definitely always right before a cycle.

  9. Honestly I feel no different. I’m so lucky because I only get minor difficulties (just some slight cramps).

  10. Cramps, so it hurts and i don’t like moving a lot while on period. I’m very uncomfortable the entire time, i get very moody and have tons of cravings. I get exhausted easily, but I still gotta study 🙁

  11. It’s funny because I am the stereotype.. Any tiny thing is Infuriating to point of tears sometimes. And yes just pain. My Cramps feel like I’m constipated or just have to use the bathroom very badly. And I’m bloated at the same time so. Awful but bearable if I have my heating pad and medication

  12. About a week or even two weeks before I get more irritable and irrational. While actually bleeding I get hungrier, sleepier, and in pain, sometimes so bad I don’t want to move. It all tapers off about day 3

  13. I am cranky, sleepy and I just want to be left alone, but I am like this every time I feel unwell or ill, so not really a period thing, it’s just that the period is cyclical and my mood will follow, every damn month.

  14. Just very sad, exhausted and in lots of pain. You’ll find me in bed or on the couch most of the day on the worst few days. I’ll complain a bit about the pain, but I don’t have problems with my temper.

  15. The same except I’m bleeding from my vagina.

    Of course, if I were in pain I’d probably be cranky and short-tempered too.

  16. I literally do not change at all, except that I use public toilets more often during that time for obvious reasons.

  17. it’s a constant rollercoaster from hungry to horny and cramps from hell.

    Also I can’t eat cheese, because it’ll get me sick.

  18. Right before my period starts im depressed. More depressed than usual.

    Then when it starts im so tired , i sleep as much as i can.

    On the 5th day i become the bad bcht i am again. But with crumbs

  19. I’m not very different on my period. Sure, I’m slightly more irritable and I want to be left alone more/touched less, but most people can’t tell if I’m on my period.

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