I don’t usually talk about sex so this is kind of embarrassing so forgive me if I say something weird.

I think sex is really overwhelming and can be pretty stressful so I really only like very few sexual things, I still feel sexual desires and such. I’m just picky, I don’t really enjoy it any other way.
I like missionary (I can do variations on it, but ultimately I just like something simple with few details where he’s in control and over me) and I like it really slow. Sometimes I enjoy other stuff going on during this but most of the time getting touched too much during can make it upsetting.
Similarly I don’t really like orgasming though I have enjoyed it before but sometimes it can be too much sensory wise, I like the pleasure of sex of course but orgasming can sometimes be too much.
The thing that works best for me is when he goes down on me, I’m picky there too but he’s really learned how to keep me soothed and calm and usually that’s the only time I feel safe orgasming, if that makes sense. I usually like reciprocating oral sex except for when I’m having a rough day then it can be pretty upsetting too.

In the past I have tried hooking up or dating and have gotten pretty clear responses that this isn’t liked at all and that it won’t work for them. My current boyfriend was the only one who’s been really super okay with it and has gone along with it or hasn’t lost his mood when I have to keep asking him to stop or slow things. He’s also really okay with sometimes stopping before he finishes if it gets too overwhelming.
Honestly, him indulging my weird limits with sex has made me more sexually outgoing and enthusiastic, I feel like even though we’ve been together for years I’m still having the most sex I’ve ever had regularly even beyond honeymoon phases which were usually lackluster in my previous relationships.
I know it’s silly to worry about this after being together for a few years (three as of two weeks ago) but I guess I feel like he should be thoroughly bored of it by now, I talked to him about it and he assured me it was fine with him and that he still really enjoyed having sex with me.
Also I might be starting to feel a bit insecure because I’ve been just absurdly horny out of nowhere so I’ve been coming on to him more often and I don’t like the thought that I might bore him at some point. As whiny as it sounds I’m a little scared of him maybe losing interest in me at some point due to this. I want to say I have been growing somewhat, like recently a flip has switched in my head from really not liking when guys get handsy with me to really craving it (just not during sex) and he’s been very vocal about liking that but I also understand that to be the bare minimum in other relationships.

I don’t think it’s really necessary to talk about and I don’t want to talk about it unnecessarily but while it was never severe I did experience regular SA during my youth and I know that has likely affected me somewhat but I’m also just a very sensitive picky person so I can’t help but feel some of these things are just my traits and not influenced by trauma.

Thank you all for taking the time for reading this. Sorry for expressing certain things poorly or any grammatical issues. I’m pretty dumb when it comes to both writing and expressing myself.

  1. I think you are a lot more normal than you give yourself credit for. Don’t compare yourself to pornography or the mini post that you read on here. For the greater part of people sex is pretty straightforward. And that is fine.

  2. You should take your boyfriend at his word when he tells you that he’s not bored. He’s the ideal boyfriend for you because he’s patient and understanding.

    I think that sex can become routine without ever becoming boring. My wife and I are each other’s firsts. We found out what we liked early on and then we stuck to it. We’ve been together for 42 years and we’ve never feel bored when we have sex.

  3. it may be beneficial for you to do some research on sensory processing disorder. it generally accompanies ASD(as people have mentioned), but you can struggle with SPD and not be on the spectrum.

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