Well, it’s only been like 8 dates and a month so don’t know if you call it breaking up. But I got that long nasty text going about how she isn’t who she is and all that . Contemplating if I should send it or leave it..when does calling out a girl ever do any good ?

Btw … You can 100% tell the interests and health of a relationship by the frequency and quality of texts.

  1. If your motivation is to help her, you can send her a text providing her the information she needs to improve – even if you’re bouncing and that information will only apply to her next relationship.

    If your motivation is anything other than to help her, just keep it to yourself and give her a nice generic breakup text then as the pros say, “block and delete.” Arguing with someone is still engaging with them.

  2. Not a good idea. It’s immature and unnecessary, no good can come from it. All you’ll achieve is confirming to her that she’s had a lucky escape. It can help to write it all down though, even with no intention of sending it.

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