Both my gf(21) and I (20M) are college students. All she talks about is college, studies and stuff like that. We’ve been dating for around 6 months now and I find talking to her excessively boring. I remember when I used to actually be excited to get call from her. She is pretty shy and is an introvert (with the rest of the world at least).

How do I tell her that her conversations are repetitive and boring without offending her? I love this girl a lot and I hope you guys can help me find a solution to this.

  1. Well, ever try bringing up a subject or topic that you both share an interest in and steering the conversation in that direction?

  2. There is no way you can tell someone that they’re boring without offending them. If you think she’s boring, you shouldn’t be with her. There is nothing wrong with her being shy or introverted. It doesn’t make her boring.

  3. it’s been six months and it’s possible that you have finally gotten to who this person actually is. Maybe she isn’t the person you think her to be

  4. Don’t tell her she’s boring? What good is that going to do?

    Steer the conversation into topics you find interesting then.

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