I have been dating this guy for about 2 months now. It started of fine, he was nice respectful, charming, etc, but once we started to hangout me his jokes got worse and worse (like victim blaming jokes not corny jokes) and he’s been acting really creepy. I need advice on how to break up with him!
Edit: he’s threatened to hurt me and I see him every day(school) so I don’t know how to do it safely without him hurting me.

  1. 2 months isn’t 2 decades. Just let him know via text that you would like to discontinue this relationship.

  2. Have you ever talked about this with him? If you have and he still does it just shoot him a text and move on. 2 months isn’t anything.

  3. This pisses me off. You’re breaking up with someone no matter how you do it you won’t they won’t like you anymore. People are always like how do I? It’s not working we’re done , end of….

  4. I agree that you should seek out help from a counselor. The most dangerous time to be in an abusive relationship is when you leave one- and threatening to hurt you is abuse.

  5. I’m sorry to hear that you are experiencing this and I agree with others regarding getting authoritative adults involved.

  6. Break ups are alot like a bandaid remove with one clean try and it hurts less but if he is the type of boy that uses violence to get what he wants. What I told my niece is be in a safe place first your safety is important. State your not happy with him, be consistent even if its just ur tired of his mess and won’t be held hostage by threats, and last dont blame yourself for walking away. Your happiness is important and growing up is hard enough without additional baggage

    Be safe and good luck I hope this helps

  7. Hi, I used to work at a domestic violence center, let me give you some tips, because you are in REAL danger.

    1. Break up with him over text and save EVERYTHING he says to you. You might need it as evidence. Force him to communicate in writing so that everything he says is on the record. If he approaches you, take a video or voice recording (whether or not you tell him you are recording is up to you and whether you think it is safe).
    1. Go to the local courts and get a Protection from Abuse Order. If he has threatened you and has the ability to hurt you, it will probably be approved. If you have text messages, that helps. You can get one even if you are under 18. The burden of proof is to show that you have reason to believe that you are in imminent danger of physical harm (which is a very low bar). Thankfully, most men who are NOT predators and are just idiots are scared off by PFAs and will follow them because they don’t want to go to jail. If he violates the PFA, he is in contempt of the order and could face criminal charges. This is also a very important document to have if you cannot avoid him because of school – if you have a PFA that requires him not to talk to you, the school should change his schedule. And DO NOT FEEL BAD FOR THE INCONVENIENCE. Your safety is NEVER an inconvenience. Stand up for yourself. You are important and don’t deserve to get hurt just because you dated a bad guy. You do not need a lawyer to fill out a PFA, but there are usually legal resources that can help you if you need it. (My job at the domestic violence center was to show up to court and meet with women who are filing PFAs, give them advice and try and convince the other party to consent to the PFA without needing a judicial order. That’s right – I just showed up to help! Look out for these people if you do go to court, they are there to help.)
    2. Call the local police station and ask for your residence or the classroom where you see him to be put on their roll call. That means that whenever there is a shift change, the police will drive past a location just to make sure that everything is OK, and potentially scare off any stalkers.
    3. Tell administrators or counselors at school that you believe you are in danger. They are probably going to be useless, but creating a record is always a good thing for future legal proceedings, if necessary.
    4. Always walk with a buddy, especially at night or in low-population areas. Check all your mirrors before getting out of the car, etc. Being vigilant and cautious. Purchase pepper spray (if the school allows it), and a baton for your keychain. If you live in off-campus housing, tell your landlord that you need a video doorbell installed, and check before leaving the house.
    5. (Edited to add) And tell your parents! Even if you are a grown up, this is a very serious and scary situation. I am 32 years old, and if I were in your position, my parents would know about it right away. I know young people think they don’t need their families anymore, but that’s not true. Please reach out to your support network. Part of being an adult is knowing when to ask for help. You’re not alone.

    Good luck, and be safe. Remember that your safety is not an inconvenience, it is your right as a human being. Don’t let people tell you that you’re not worth protecting.

  8. Please ask your parents if you can skip school for a few days (no holidays are coming it’s perfect to break up)…. And then break up through text. Screenshot his replies.

    Can you confide in your parents ?

    If you’re too scared … to tell him, tell all your friends about this guy. And start creating distance between Him and you.

    Ignore him, walk away, say you’re busy, stay with your friends. Tell people you’re scared.

  9. If you like him except for that, communicate with him and let him know that it’s been bothering you a lot. If he continues then break up via text. It’s just 2 months.

  10. I would highly recommend NOT asking for advice on how to handle this on Reddit. Seek professional help.

  11. Give him a blowjob until he comes on your mouth then you swallow it.

    After that, you can say:”we are over. See you never!”. And just block all contact and walk away

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