In a ‘perfect world’ and assuming you had a very desirable sexual partner (to your standards) sexual partner to do so with, how many times per day, ideally, would you wish to ejaculate?

  1. At the start as many times as possible so maybe 2-3 a day (in which we see one another as realistically you wouldn’t see them every day). As we become more serious id be happy with 2-3 times a week.

  2. Per day? My brother in Christ I ejaculate twice weekly, Wednesdays and Saturdays, like God intended.

  3. 3 and I’ll explain:
    1. The moment around the mornjng when your feet touch under the blanket and then all of a sudden ur horniness touches the roof.
    2. Once your’re back from work and you walk out the warm and relaxing shower you just had
    3. Before you sleep

  4. Here is the thing, no matter how hot or how desirable or how many different woman, sex is going to lose its appeal if you’re getting off every single day, let alone multiple times a day. The endorphins and forcefulness are always highest and most appealing in the beginning… so you have to take a lot of multi day and multi week breaks to maintain the forcefulness of organism… otherwise it just becomes a thing to do.

  5. Seriously? Depending how tired I am, I can do 5-8 times a day just by myself and pornhub.

  6. 2 times a day. Once in the morning once at night. No sex on Sundays or holidays. Only doggy on Mondays. Fridays is oral only.

  7. Probably 1 a day. Sex wise. I mean if oral is in play or you two are spicing it up in a different way maybe more on those days but I’m good at one a day sex wise or every other day. Like previously stated if it’s if it’s too much it loses the appeal.

  8. I currently have the best sexual partner I’ve ever had and our sex is off-the-wall. We both cum three times a day and I’ve never been happier

  9. I don’t know, but it’d be nice to be able to find out.

    So far, none of my partners have been able to keep up with me, so eventually we’d have to take a break for a day or two or the like.

  10. I can answer this honestly and accurately.

    My girlfriend is very attractive to my standards (thicc) and has a free use kink.

    The answer is three to five times if the work is divided evenly

    Once or twice if I’m doing all the work.

    Once if it’s a workday.

  11. 1. In the morning
    2. Before breakfast
    3. After breakfast
    4. Before Lunch
    5. After lunch
    6. Before evening snacks
    7. After evening sex
    8. Before dinner
    9. After dinner
    10. Before sleeping

  12. I wouldn’t consider that an interesting measure or goal. Better would be to ask how much time I would want to spend on sex and affection. Probably five hours or so in a week, unless this partner also comes with ‘we can retire now’ money, in which case bump it up a little. How many orgasms would that add up to? Who knows.

  13. At first, 2 times a day. For a few months. Then once a day. Then a couple times a week. But after 10 years, we have a resurgence of sexual energy and we start doing it daily for a while. Then it settles back to a couple times a week. Then a few times a month. Then we die together in each others’ arms of old age like in that Notebook movie. Fin.

  14. If i got my wish, once a day.
    But i will settle for once every two days with PDA in between (snuggles, kisses, hugs, walks)

  15. Depends. In my twenties probably once a day every day. Now once maybe twice every 3-5 days

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