I know dating apps aren’t the most ideal way of dating but I’ve been having this same exact pattern every time where I (24)(male) match with someone and the conversation is going very well, but then I send a conversation killer
For example:
If they say “yes that’s my favorite restaurant”
I say: “that’s cool I like that place too”
Instead of the obvious “we should go sometime”
And blame myself when I get ghosted (although I feel it is a bit true that it’s my fault tbh)

Self sabotage has been an issue for me as well but I’m working on that part of me too

Any tips on how to make the experience easier or less anxiety driven or self sabotage driven?
The whole idea of it is to have fun and I feel like I’m doing the opposite and making myself feel shitty about lost opportunities.

1 comment
  1. Slow down, don’t be in a rush to reply. Read what they said, think about several diffrent responses, and pick the best one.

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